
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Well, Well....

.... look who's on the cover of The Green Guide in today's Melbourne Age!

Katrina Chambers... you go girl. You have the whole of blogland behind you and 'sister Amie'. We will be screaming from the sidelines.....AND... my boys are even allowed to watch TV during the school week... just this once.

'The Block', every night at 7pm, on Channel 9, starting next Monday. Renovation heaven... well for the viewers.....maybe not the contestants!

We have started the countdown... 4 more sleeps!
PS. Dear Anthony Warlow, you rock as Dr Zhivago. I can see why the musical was written for you in the role. I feel so privileged to have seen one of Australia's National Living Treasures and frankly you bring me to tears as soon as you sing your first note. Big statement but true.
Yours Sincerely, your biggest Brisbane fan, A-M xx (it's coming to Brisbane, in 3 weeks!!!!..... still in Melbourne until June26th)


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