
Thursday, June 9, 2011

We Never Do This....

I know, full school uniform at dinner time. 
He's dedicated. 
I pick my battles/nagging. 
If he wants to wear it right up to bedtime.. so be it.

... but we did last night.

After piano lessons, while big brother was at soccer training, we 'junked it out'.

'Little one' sat and savoured every glorious minute of it. After every bite, there was a comment, "it's the sauce that makes it so tasty Mum".... "oh, the meat is so tender". He visually studied that little burger after every bite, after every superlative muttered.

It stopped me in my tracks, after such a hectic day. 'This kid is so living in the moment.... nothing else matters but the savouring of this burger'.

Boy I learn a lot from my children.

It's simple really: living only in the moment = gratitude = happiness.

Happy Friday!


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