Our baby has had his first birthday.
This is always a big step for me as a mama.
The baby is slowly becoming ......well, not a baby but a small child with his own little idiosyncrasies.
I just don't know what has happened to this year. Already we are well into our birthday seasons and how on earth did it get to be our little dumpling's birthday already.
Really a first birthday is for the family I think. We enjoy getting little gifts, making the baby special things (I admit Trahaearn's are still in the making stage) and planning all the special food and plans for him.
The baby just has to turn up and be cute.
I mean how hard can that be right.
Traditionally we give a 'Bunnykins' set for the first birthday as the main present. This year I was lucky enough to find three different and new patterns for Trahaearn's set. After all these years we have had 2 bowls with the same pattern on them so I was pleased to find these new ones.
As the twelfth baby in a family really does not need many toys we got him a couple of his own books, it is never too early to buy books for a child, a dump truck to push, cause you know all our boys have loved machinery.
What else can you get a baby but clothes and as he is number 6 in the line of boys a lot of our hand me downs have been worn to death. So new clothes for a birthday present. Of course he is too young to protest 'how boring is that'.
Birthday food:
Breakfast~ Bacon and Eggs
Lunch ~ party bags for others and porridge for Trahaearn.
Dinner ~ Great meatball and sauce recipe that Autumn made up (posting recipe soon) with soaked rice (from Nourishing Traditions)
Birthday Cake~ a turtle with broken up freckles for the shell. Oh so very simple and so very cute
I was so pleased that we were able to celebrate this special day with our special little man.
Blessings to you and your homes,
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