I know for me this day always brings with it many memories of the past, and expectations of new and delightful antics to add to my life story.
My mothering of 12 children over the nearly 23 years, so far has been a journey of such joy and love that I find it hard to express adequately.
The opportunity as a mother to be able to help a beautiful and helpless infant grow into a wondrous man or woman is a gift beyond describing.
It is a life of gentle and loving devotion to each and every child with my care.
A life of sharing the gifts of the everyday.
A life that speaks of self sacrifice for each soul entrusted unto me.
A life that says thank you for sweet and tender love reciprocated back to me.as
A life that is truly happy and content in this vocation that I never fully understood until I was blessed with it.
A life that can be so full of these precious lives that I cannot see how time can pass so quickly, but it does pass all too quickly and I worry that I have not completed all that was asked of me as I send these precious children out to seek their own destinies.
So I continue to pray for each of them. For their strengths and their weaknesses.
For the future they may have.
For the friendships they develop and even for their potential marriage partners.
For the influence they may have on the world they encounter.
And as today, Mothers Day started another day of 'mothering' my children I was humbled by the love and adoration that our children give to me.
I pray that I may always be worthy of that love and devotion.
That I would continue to give unconditional and gentle love, in good, and in difficult times for them and for me.
That I would be worth of the term Mother and all it means to me!
Today as I cuddled and nurtured our sweet little baby who is sick and needed extra care, as well as the three above him. I was struck as I often am, by the thought that indeed I could do no more than learn as always that true love is through the giving of myself in the service of my family.
That it is through this service that I become the person I was meant to be .
That I become all that God has called me to be.
That it is in the little things that God calls me to accomplish great things --- in the everyday.
That it is in the everyday, that we learn about life and how to live a Godly life.
That it is through these little children that I am called to do great service, nothing earth shattering but for each little child to look with great love and devotion that they may know the power of love and share that with others in their lives.
And at the end of each day, no matter what I can look at my life as a mother and say - I am blessed.
Blessings to you and your homes,
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