Hello! I am back with an update! I know that I have been posting a lot of guest bloggers (aren’t they great?) lately and one of the reasons that I have been missing was that we went to Washington D.C. for Shaklee’s Global Conference. It was amazing!!!
I wanted to share our experience and some of the photos with you! This was my first of many Global Conferences with this company so I went a little camera crazy… I always do that, don’t I? lol
We stayed at the Gaylord National right downtown and it was beautiful!
This was my view from the elevator! Sweet!
I just loved all the windows and the river view!
Everywhere I looked, I saw trees and water…even inside!
Here is a photo of our room.
I thought the bathroom was pretty too, lol!
I thought everything was so cute! I took pictures of it all!
That is what I looked like most of the time, hehe! (camera glued to face, lol.)
After I checked in, I went to the Star Achievers Lounge!
It was pretty sweet and very exclusive!
After that, I took more photos!
Then I headed over to the Shaklee Expo!
There were displays of all the products with experts behind each booth for questions!
We saw the Cinch booth! The Cinch Inch Loss Plan is Powered by Leucine and specially formulated to help you break the diet cycle, so you: Keep muscle you have, burn fat you don't need and lose inches you don't want. You can read mine and my sister’s weight loss story!
We saw the Healthy Beauty Booth! Ahh, I love and swear by this stuff! My husband and I (yes, he loves it too!) have been using these products everyday for 8 years!
Here is the Get Clean and the Get Clean Water booth! You should already know how I feel about these products! Love them!
Here is the Shaklee’s Sports booth! Again, we love these products! I use them all the time and again, so does my hubby! If we ever run out, (I know, bad Shaklee Distributor) Scott gets really upset, lol! He needs his energy drink and post workout drink before and after working out or golf!
Next, we stopped by the Vivix booth! Did you know that Vivix is Shaklee’s number one selling product? This stuff actually reverses aging on the cellular level! Check here to read some personal Vivx testimonies!
After the Shaklee Expo, I met up with my parents! (Yes, they are distributors too! They got me using Shaklee 13 years ago.)
Here is a picture of my mom and my baby sister Mary! (My kids call her Aunt Mary, lol!) She was a 1st Time Attendee, hehe!
Then I walked around and took more photos!
Everything was perfect and set up for Shaklee! There was over 5,000 people at the conference!
Here is a pic of my Mom and me! We are Shaklee girls for life!
Here I am showing off my new t-shirt! I know I am obsessed, but I like this kind of stuff, lol!
We also went to the conference with my sister, her boyfriend, another couple, Clark and Claire, on my Shaklee Team and many others in our Team! We went to a private ice-cream social for the Gary Burke Team!
Then we heard Rodger Barnett do the opening speech, which was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!! You can see more here!
I just love the Dream Plan!
They made the stage so cool and fun! (There were over 5,000 people there.)
Then we went out for appetizers!
I just love downtown Washington D.C.!
We saw amazing sunsets!
The night scene was neat too!
Then we were able to watch my parents go up on stage to accept their Tiffany Box!!! Ahhh, I love that blue box and so does my sister, ha! She is ready to open it…so cute, lol!
Here is a short clip of my parents on stage!
We were also happy to receive our Tiffany Box from Shaklee! (Sorry, no one took videos of us on stage.) Here is a picture of me hugging Rodger on stage…no we didn’t kiss, even though it kind of looks like it here, bahaha!
I like this picture!
Here we are again…Yay…we were happy! Inside the box was a gorgeous crystal bowl, thank you Shaklee!
We were also blessed to hear from Commander Mark Kelly. We heard his personal inspiring story and it was incredible! He also shared how they have been using Shaklee is space since 1993! WooHoo! You can see more about Day 2 here.
Shaklee is an amazing family company! Here is a clip of the Barnett family on stage! I just love this because when you join Shaklee, you join a family. You truly feel the love and support from the entire Shaklee Family. Rodger even sends me Christmas cards, now that is awesome!
I was also called up on stage again for being on the fastTRACK! Shaklee really likes to recognition.
After that had a nice break outside!
We were also invited to the Future Leader Event where I talked to
Rodger Barnett again! He is the Chairman and CEO of Shaklee. He is truly an amazing man and one of his goals are to really help make a difference in this world! I am happy to be part of it!
We also had the privilege to hear Aron Ralston (you know, they guy who had to cut off his own arm) and listen to his inspiring story! We have his book, “Between a Rock and a Hard Place” and we just ordered “127 Hours” on Netflix and I can’t wait to watch the movie. His story is incredible! You can see more about our third day of the conference here.
We also had the opportunity to have a special red, white and blue dinner!
I love any event where the hubs and I can dress up and eat, lol!
Here is a pic of my sister and me! (Yes, I am the shortest in my family.)
The hubs and me!
Then we had an after hour reception. Here I am with my dream car! The top Leaders in Shaklee get the keys to a S400 Mercedes-Benz Luxury Hybrid in Shaklee green. These cars are not sold to the public, they are made especially for Shaklee Presidential Coordinators only.
Then we all had fun planning our next years, free trip to the Mayan Riviera.
If you would also like to earn money from home, help your family healthful and financially (whether you want to get your products for free or earn a full or part time income), make a difference for others and for our planet, I would love for you to join my team and I will help you get started with your own Shaklee business! I know how to earn money from home and would love to help you too!
Let’s make a difference together!!!
If you want to learn more about Shaklee and see if this is for you, please email me now to set up your 20 minute call with me. I am currently taking appointments Monday and Wednesdays.
Your next step is to follow HOUSE OF GRACE on Facebook
Register for my Tuesday night Shaklee Business Opportunity Webinar
I look foreword to meeting you!
Have a great day!

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