In my weekly 'Hearts for Home' post I am encouraging myself and others to commit to thinking about what 4-6 things we can do each week to bring our thoughts, prayers and actions to keeping our 'Hearts for Home'.
I am praying that a spirit of gentleness, generosity in thoughts and time along with loveliness and grace would lead us to be all that God wants us to be.
I pray also that each person involved in 'Hearts for Home' would also pray for any others involved as well.
May you be blessed by this initiative. I pray it brings you and your family many blessings.
So each week list 4-6 things you will commit to that will keep your "Hearts for Home'.
Please leave a you name and a link to your blog (if you don't have one just leave your list in the comment box) and perhaps a comment so we can all see and encourage each other.
If you would like, add the 'Hearts for Home' logo to your side bar as a reminder of your goals.
May God Bless you this week.
♥ Please leave a link to your Hearts for Home Edition on the Mister Linky at the end of the post, so we can all come and visit.
I would also appreciate you linking back here too.☺ ♥ ♥
Enjoying our lives on the 13th September by doing ♥ ♥
Hello Dear Friends,
1. I am praying for peace and tranquility in my heart as i go about my everyday tasks loving and serving the Lord in my vocation as wife and mother and home maker
2. Enjoying time with our family complete with Kynan home. It is amazing that we just slip back into old habits and styles with him home.
3.I am really loving the easy and relatively quick work I am making on these Moonbeams and Applesauce: Rainbow Wool Elf Slipper Tutorial.
I can pick it up and put it down at anytime and loving the ease of knitting.
4. Plan all the items we need to pack for our trip for Autumn's Deb Ball and our 2 weeks away.
5.While one of my best de-clutterers is home I intend on getting this done. Finding time to do this is difficult and Kynan can work with others without me. Wish us well with this HUGE undertaking. Did I mention we have a pack rat in our home..aka Stephen
6. I am making slow but good progress with Autumn's, Deb Dress. I intend to have it finished this week.
Praying you all find peace and joy in your own homes this week,
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