
Friday, September 16, 2011

Identical Twins: A Shaklee Health Testimonial

Hello!  How are you today?  Doing anything fun?

Today, I wanted to share a quick story that floats around the Shaklee Distributors and really shows a great long term use testimony.

This picture is a picture of twins at age 4. 


This is another picture of them (sorry about the quality) at age 69.  One of them used Shaklee products.  Can you guess which one?


Here is their story…

Mary and Her Sister are Identical Twins.  Mary Anderson from Evansville, Indiana has been a regular user of the entire line of Shaklee products for over 20 years.  Mary’s sister rarely uses Shaklee products preferring to use products made by other companies. Even though they were born with the same genetic code, Mary has more energy, feels better, looks younger and is healthier than her non-Shaklee twin sister. Mary has “unbounded energy” at age 69. Mary is very active with her church and does volunteer work. She is President of her local Republican Women’s Organization. 

Everyone thinks this mother of 4 and grandmother of 6 teenagers is younger than 69! Mary’s husband is 77 and he uses Shaklee products, too. “No one ever guesses his age, either!”

Isn’t that a great story!  That just shows what good health and taking care of what goes into your body can do for you?

If you are interested in good health and taking the best products on the market to supplement your diet, I recommend taking Vitalizer.  I take the Vitalizer for women and my husband takes the Vitalizer for men and my grandparents use the Vitalizer for seniors

Right now, when you join my Shaklee Member Team, you will receive a FREE membership with the purchase of Vitalizer plus a House of Grace Special by signing up through MY WEBSITE and if you sign-up for the auto-ship program, you can save an additional 10% off your 15% membership savings. 

We all want to be healthy and save money so this is a great deal. 

Once you join, we also offer a referral program, where you will receive $25 for every new Shaklee member you refer to my House of Grace Member Team with a $25 order. 

If you refer 3 friends a month, your Vitalizer is FREE!!! 

How cool is that? 

We all love free and we all want our family/friends to by healthy too!

Thanks and have great day! Smile



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