
Monday, September 12, 2011

Neighbourhood Patrol

Remember this, from a few days ago?

Err, why? Someone tell me why? Why was this necessary?
I almost burst into tears, when I came across it.

Remember this?....looking like it had to be preserved under some sort of weird demolition rule?

Good news. 
It has been replaced by something that is somewhat colonial in appearance.
Must have only been required to keep a token stud wall to comply with the demolition code thingy.

Don't know about the back bit though.

I don't understand why developers comply with the code at the front and then build some modern, "not of like terms" (my son's favourite maths speak...."not like terms and therefore cannot be simplified any further"... he loves his maths) contraption out the back. It's like a naughty school boy, "ok, I'll do what I've been told out the front but I'm gonna do what I want out the back".
Just imagine if the back units were of a colonial aesthetic too. Would have actually looked good. Consistent. Just sayin'.

And in other news:

There is a giant duck floating outside my place.

My friend 'LouLou' made me some chicken soup. She made me 'instagram it' so it didn't look too disgusting (her words). It was the most divinely, tasty, nutritious meal I have had in over a week! My boys 'hoovered' it down. I love it when people leave me tupperware. Means I have to visit them to give it back.

My neighbour, Mary, gave me the most beautiful roses in the whole wide world.
Big statement, but true. 
She has 4 girls... which pleases my boys no end.

And in a brazen act of defiance against our cranky site manager, I have said my boy can 'jump rocks'.
Go son, be a little boy!

I'll get back to you about the duck.

Happy Tuesday.


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