
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Children's Top Ten Favourite Books

As we are a book loving family and books play a large part of our education and free time. I though I would ask the children to update their lists of 10 favourite books or series. I have these on my side bar for some of the children  and looked recently and wondered 'are they still the same?'

Interestingly enough some are the same and some are different for each child. The other significant  fact is that we definitely have some family favourites that we ALL love to read.
I haven't linked to any of these books but they are all (I think in print)

So on with the children's lists:

 All Agatha Christie's Mystery books.
The Hollow Kingdom Trilogy -Clare B. Dunkle
The Inheritence Cycle- Christopher Paolini.
The Belgariad series - David Eddings
All the Regina Doman Fairy Tale Novels.  (Except  The  Midnight Dancers)
The Chronicles of Narnia-C.S.Lewis
The Royal Diaries series
The Betsey,Tacey (series)-Maud Hart Lovelace
All of  l. M. Montgomery's books
All of L. M. Alcott's books.

The Redwall series -Brian Jacques
The Belgariad series - David Eddings
The Rangers Apprentice series -John Flanagan
The Sun-Sword trilagy - Belinda Murrell (oops these ones are out of print)
The Inheritance Cycle - Christpher Paolini
The Hollow Kingdom Trilagy -Clare B. Dunkle
The Inkheart Trilagy- Cornelia Funke
Castaways of the Flying Dutchman -Brian Jacques
Little woman - L. M. Alcott
The Squires Tales-Gerard Morris
All Of Regina Doman Fairy Tale Novels

Comparing with 2 years ago for Eden's favourites were-
Nancy Drew Mysteries
Ranger Apprentice Series
Redwall Series
The Royal Diaries
The Sunsword Trilogy
The Year of the Black Pony

The Inheritance Cycle- Christopher Paolini
The Rangers Apprentice Series- John Flanagan
Castaways of the Flying Dutchman- Brian Jauqces The Lord of the Rings-J. R.R. Tolkein
The Penderwicks Series- Jeanne Birdsall
The Melendy Quartet - Elizabeth Enright
The Regina Doman Fairytales
All the William books
G. A Henty books
Midshipmen Qunn Collection

Saxon's list from 2 years ago~
All the William books
Rangers apprentice
The Belgariad Series
The Hobbit
The Inheritance cycle
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Melendy Quartet
The Midshipman Quin Collection
The Penderwick Series

The Inheritance Cycle-Christopher Paolini
The Rangers Apprentice Series-John Flanagan
The Chronicles of Narnia- C. S. Lewis
The Inkheart Trilogy-Cornelia Funke
Castaways of the Flying Dutchman-Brian Jauqces
Little Woman-L. M. Alcott
The Eagle of the Ninth-Rosemary Sutcliff.
The Hollow Kingdom Trilogy-Clare B. Dunkle
The Mistmantle Chronicles-M. I. McAllister
The Squires Tales-Gerard Morris
All the Regina Doman Fairy Tale Novels.

Comparing with 2 years ago for Vellvin her favourites were ~
Bells on their toes
Cheaper by the Dozen
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Complete Star Wars Dictionary
The Inheritance Cycle
The little House Martha books
The Penderwicks
The Rangers Apprentice Series
The Royal Diaries: Isabel
The Sun sword Trilogy

The Mistmantle Chronicles-M. I. McAllister
Addy - American Girl Series
Enid Blyton stories
The Little Red Shoes...Hans Christian Anderson
The Penderwicks Series- Jeanne BirdsallThe Spiderwick Chronicles - Holly Black

Next up is the favourite Picture book series!!

Blessings to you and your homes,


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