
Monday, November 14, 2011

Well, The Rumours Were True

'The House' IS in this month's Australian 'Home Beautiful'!

They used the front door for their Christmas article. The glamour continues, long after the house has gone from my life! Feeling warm and fuzzy. I loved that front door (you know my obsession with joinery.... especially windows and transoms). I still have my original 'chicken-scratch' sketches of it when I was scheming the house. I changed my mind like a hundred times. Home Beautiful make it look so nice. Sigh!

To celebrate, I hightailed it up to Justine's coffee shop ... after my run.... and had her 'Haloumi Special' for breakfast (toast, avocado, tomato, and Haloumi... with a slice of lemon). They sort of cancel each other out really..... running cancels out Haloumi... it does... really.

It's getting really hot here in the mornings now...and the sun is strong. I think I might have to head out before light now.... which means the early morning blog post might have to wait. Will you cope? .... with my waffle being delayed somewhat?

Meanwhile back at my current abode....nothing escapes tinsel.

Happy Tuesday!


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