
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tree's Up ...And Other Stories

...hmmm, rather 'boy themed'...

...except for this 45 year old (and counting) little mangled angel from my Christmas tree of childhood yesteryear. Over the years the loop to hang her from disappeared so now I use her tattered halo.

.... some serious handmade treasures....

... and pictures of drooling babies...


I have a Christmas tree in my kitchen.

We have nothing for the top of it ... the star did not survive the 'Great Decoration Box Crash of 2011'.
We're gonna make one and then reveal all!

And in other exciting news:

... we ran into Bill on our bike ride yesterday.

He laid out some new artwork for us to enjoy.

It was the first time Bill had met my eldest son. 
He was rather delighted to do so.
We did the customary staged 'meeting of men handshake' photo.

We made it into the Botanical Gardens.
 The view was nice. 

Of course we found 'Water Dragons'....

... and I was instructed to photograph every. one. of. them.

We found a shady spot near the kiosk to have our weekly 'Family Meeting'... where we share our feelings, grievances, amends etc. Here is little one seriously contemplating his role as 'Chairman' of the meeting this week. He loves being 'Chairman. 

Even Nigella and Brian, our lizards, get a say in the meeting... via proxy. 
Boy we laugh at the Brian and Nigella bits.

Here's my bike. 
She even has shock absorbers.
Brakes are a bit questionable. Just as well I took along the trusty spanner. 
There were a few 'adjustments' along the way.

We had a quiet afternoon, playing Nintendo and other stuff.
I know you are pleased to see that I also, like Faux Fuchsia, "never knowingly 'under-cushion'". 

Happy Monday!



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