
Monday, April 30, 2012

Celebrating May Day: Ideas and Fun

“The fair maid who, the First of May,
Goes to the field at break of day
And washes in the dew from the hawthorn tree,
Will ever after handsome be.”

Even though May is dedicated to Our Lady we still like to celebrate the first of May with the traditional May Day theme

There are many interpretations of the first May Day, and many different theories and origins, all with the same principle ~ people through the years loved to celebrate the coming of spring on the first day of May!

Maypole dancing evolved into Ribbon dancing around the maypole in the 18th century, and is possibly derived from traditional and 'art' dance forms popular in Italy and France.

In old European villages, the youth would go into the woods and cut down a tree, removing the branches and covering it with violets. At daybreak they blew horns and celebrated and the towns would know May Day had arrived.

By the Middle ages, English villages had a May Pole, and everyone ~ from adults to children would all go into the woods to select the tree, making it a parade and singing songs as they went back to town. Often large cities like London would leave the maypole up for an entire year, so it was ready for the next years may day dance.

In Yorkshire, dancers gather in a circle, each holding a coloured ribbon attached to a much smaller pole. As the dance commences the ribbons are intertwined and braided either on to the pole itself or into a web around the pole. The dancers may then retrace their steps exactly in order to unravel the ribbons or leave them as a beautiful design on the pole.

Today May Day and dancing around the May Pole are still traditions in many European Countries and the United Kingdom.

In our home each year we usually have our Maypole outside and sang as we skip around it but for an inside version this works fairly well:
♥ Hang a Maypole from the ceiling using crepe paper streamers. AS you  walk or skip around the Maypole you can sing,
♥ Walking around the Maypole, Walking around the Maypole, Walking Around the Maypole, Going 'round and 'round.
♥ You can substitute dance, skip, etc. for "walk". Believe it or not, when you walk around in a circle the streamers create a "pole". For added fun, have a person probably an adult or older child stand in the middle and get wrapped in the Maypole. To untangle, simply reverse directions.
An old photo of a maypole cake and doll maypole I made
Here are some activities and Ideas for the day~ 

♥ Make Mayday baskets we have made cornucopia ones, filled with flowers and stickers and poems and paper filled with paper gifts in the past
Get the  children to  decorate and fill some May baskets.  You can the them leave the baskets on the door knobs (or steps) of friends or family members.  Here are a number of simple ways to make May baskets.
CONE BASKETS  - either use a plain colored cone party hat, or make your own cone by cutting out half circles and wrapping them around into cone shaped.  Add paper or Chenille handles
CUP BASKETS – use paper, Styrofoam, yogurt or margarine cups for baskets.  Poke holes on opposite sides of the cups and tie on handles.
CIRCLE BASKETS – use large cut paper circles or large doilies.  Tape a ribbon handle to opposite sides of the circle.  When held up the circle will fold into a open-ended basket.
BOX BASKETS – use small box bottoms, cut-down milk cartons, or berry baskets.  Add handles and decorate.

Make May Day Crowns ~
Let every child be Kind or Queen of the May by making a flower crown to wear.
Cut the centers out of paper plates and have the children paint both sides of the rims green.  (or use green paper plates)
Cut various colors of tissue paper into small circles.
Then let the children crumple the circles and glue them on their paper plate rims to make flowers.

Variation: Glue strips of colored tissue or crepe paper streamers to the sides and backs of their crowns.
Variation:  Place real flowers on their crowns by making slits in the rim so that the flowers can be poked through.

Simple Game~
Here is an adaptation of the usual “Ring Around the Rosie” game for May Day.
Have your children stand in a circle around a pretend Maypole.
Let one child stand in the middle and choose the action at the end of rhyme.
As children march around the circle recite the following rhyme.

“Ring around the rosie.
A pocket full of posies.
Flowers, flowers
All (fall down, twirl around, bend way down, touch the ground, etc.)
Choose another child to stand in the middle and repeat the chant.

Craft ~
In the past, children used to celebrate May Day by having hoop races -- now you can, too.
Plastic hoop (hula hoop)
Small bells
12-inch wooden dowel

Use a plastic hoop and decorate it the way children did hundreds of years ago.

Cut 6-inch lengths of thin ribbon. Tie as many ribbons as you can to the hoop, all the way around. Make sure the knots are on the inside of the hoop so they won't get in the way when the hoop rolls.

Tie a tiny bell to the end of every third or fourth ribbon.

Practice rolling your May Day hoop by touching it with the dowel. How fast can you go? Invite your friends to a race!

♥ For more activities~
Colouring page
Wreath colouring page
May day word search
May Day Anagrams
May Day Crossword and Answers key
Picture crossword and Answer key
Sudoku and Answers and Easy Sudoku
And to keep the Blessed Mother in the picture this site has a list of other sites that have colouring pictures of Mary
These are a couple of our past Mary themes:
Fatima and May Crowning of Mary
May Crowning and Bookcase display

For a  sugar filled idea~
Take a plastic baggie and fill it with candy and then in the center of it tie a pipe cleaner and make it look like a butterfly!! Wrap the pipe cleaner in the middle of it!!

Simple Song~
"I Made a May Basket" (sung to: "A-Tisket, A-Tasket") A-tisket, a-tasket, I made a May basket. I filled it up with flowers bright And hung it on the door just right.

by Alfred Lord Tennyson

You must wake and call me early, call me early, mother dear;
To-morrow ’ill be the happiest time of all the glad New-year;
Of all the glad New-year, mother, the maddest merriest day,
For I’m to be Queen o’ the May, mother, I’m to be Queen o’ the May.

There’s many a black, black eye, they say, but none so bright as mine;
There’s Margaret and Mary, there’s Kate and Caroline;
But none so fair as little Alice in all the land they say,
So I’m to be Queen o’ the May, mother, I’m to be Queen o’ the May.

I sleep so sound all night, mother, that I shall never wake,
If you do not call me loud when the day begins to break;
But I must gather knots of flowers, and buds and garlands gay,
For I’m to be Queen o’ the May, mother, I’m to be Queen o’ the May.

As I came up the valley whom think ye should I see
But Robin leaning on the bridge beneath the hazel-tree?
He thought of that sharp look, mother, I gave him yesterday,
But I’m to be Queen o’ the May, mother, I’m to be Queen o’ the May.

He thought I was a ghost, mother, for I was all in white,
And I ran by him without speaking, like a flash of light.
They call me cruel-hearted, but I care not what they say,
For I’m to be Queen o’ the May, mother, I’m to be Queen o’ the May.

They say he’s dying all for love, but that can never be;
They say his heart is breaking, mother–what is that to me?
There’s many a bolder lad ’ill woo me any summer day,
And I’m to be Queen o’ the May, mother, I’m to be Queen o’ the May.

Little Effie shall go with me to-morrow to the green,
And you’ll be there, too, mother, to see me made the Queen;
For the shepherd lads on every side ’ill come from far away,
And I’m to be Queen o’ the May, mother, I’m to be Queen o’ the May.

The honeysuckle round the porch has woven its wavy bowers,
And by the meadow-trenches blow the faint sweet cuckoo-flowers;
And the wild marsh-marigold shines like fire in swamps and hollows gray,
And I’m to be Queen o’ the May, mother, I’m to be Queen o’ the May.

The night-winds come and go, mother, upon the meadow-grass,
And the happy stars above them seem to brighten as they pass;
There will not be a drop of rain the whole of the livelong day,
And I’m to be Queen o’ the May, mother, I’m to be Queen o’ the May.

All the valley, mother, ’ill be fresh and green and still,
And the cowslip and the crowfoot are over all the hill,
And the rivulet in the flowery dale ’ill merrily glance and play,
For I’m to be Queen o’ the May, mother, I’m to be Queen o’ the May.

So you must wake and call me early, call me early, mother dear,
To-morrow ’ill be the happiest time of all the glad New-year;
To-morrow ’ill be of all the year the maddest merriest day,
For I’m to be Queen o’ the May, mother, I’m to be Queen o’ the May.

Blessings to you and your homes,


Bár még csak 20 perc múlva telik le a nap, de lementettem a havi adatokat, mert nagyon sokat klikkeltetek. 4350!!!
Az áprilisi blog-látogatottság minden eddigi rekordott megdöntött, és már hónapok óta tartósan jóval 4000 felett jár havonta. Lehet, hogy ez többeteknek nem túl nagy szám, én azonban nagyon boldog vagyok, hogy amatőr létemre érdekes tartalommal szolgálhatok.

Nagyon köszönöm mindenki figyelmét, támogatását, klikkjeit! És külön köszönet azoknak (ebben a hónapban a Kicsi Ház és a Lakberendezés szívvel-lélekkel és Achados de Decoração blogok szerzőinek) , akik a saját blogjukon megjelenítették valamely képem vagy betették a blog linkjét.

És akkor lássuk is a konkrét számokat:

It's 20 to midnight but I saved this month's statistics, because it was a record. In the last months I had over 4000 clicks, and April it was 4350. Maybe it is not too many for several of you, but I'm really happy with this. I'm not a professional designer or interior stylist, decorator so it feels really good that I could pick some interesting theme or pics for you.

Thank you very much for everyone's attention, support and clicks! Special thanks for those who shared one or more of my pics and published a link to my blog (this month especially Kicsi Ház and Lakberendezés szívvel-lélekkel and Achados de Decoração blogs).

And here are the numbers:


Some islands in the bulls'-eye of climate change may dodge the worst thanks to heretofore unknown dynamics between deep currents, upwelling, and rising temperatures.
Gilbert Island archipelago in the Pacific island nation of Kiribati. Credit: NASA/Aqua Satellite.
A new paper in Nature Climate Change reports on an unexpected refuge of cooler water around the equatorial Gilbert Islands—one of three archipelagos of the Pacific island nation of Kiribati (say: KEER-uh-bus).
This is good news at a time when when scientists predict that rising ocean temperatures in the equatorial Pacific will wreak havoc (coral bleaching, coral disease) on coral reef ecosystems by the end of the century
The new study shows that climate change could cause ocean currents to operate in a surprising way to mitigate warming near a handful of islands on the equator... which may then become isolated refuges for corals and fish.
The three archipelagos of the Pacific island nation of Kiribati straddle the Equator. Map based on: TUBS via Wikimedia Commons.
The dynamics of this cooler-water refuge include:
  1. Equatorial trade winds pushing a surface current, the Equatorial Countercurrent, from east to west
  2. A swift Equatorial Undercurrent flowing below the Equatorial Countercurrent in the opposite direction, west to east, at 100-200 meters (328-656 feet)

Where the Equatorial Undercurrent encounters an island, its flow is deflected upward on the island's western flank, carrying its cooler nutrient-rich water to the sunlit surface and creating localized areas of greater ocean productivity.

You can see the dynamics of this in the map and graph below showing chlorophyll levels—a marker of phytoplankton and hence marine productivity—across the equatorial Pacific. The red in the map view indicates highest chlorophyll / phytoplankton / marine productivity.

Credit: Kristopher B. Karnauskas and Anne L. Cohen. Nature Climate Change. DOI:10.1038/nclimate1499.
Clearly, the most productive waters occur in the eastern tropical Pacific, where the Equatorial Undercurrent drives up against the Galapagos Islands to create huge upwelling.
Chlorophyll quantities then dwindle rapidly as you move west... until the anomalous red signature marking the outlines of the Gilbert Islands of Kiribati seen inside the white-dotted rectangle. The islands are not shown in the map view, just their chlorophyll signatures.
Co-author Anne Cohen at WHOI says:
"Global models predict significant temperature increases in the central tropical Pacific over the next few decades, but in truth conditions can be highly variable across and around a coral reef island. To predict what the coral reef will experience in global climate change, we have to use high-resolution models, not global models."

Coral reef of the equatorial Pacific. Credit: USFWS.

The models predict:
  • That as air temperatures rise and equatorial trade winds weaken, the Pacific surface current will also weaken by 15 percent by the end of the century.
  • But the then-weaker surface current will also impose less friction and drag on the EUC, so this deeper current will actually strengthen by 14 percent.
The high-resolution models developed by  Kristopher Karnauskas, also at WHOI, and Cohen, suggest the amount of upwelling will actually increase by about 50 percent around the Gilbert Islands, to reduce the rate of warming waters there by about 0.7°C (1.25°F) per century.
From the paper:

In the central Pacific, home to one of the largest marine protected areas and fishery regions in the global tropics, sea surface temperatures are projected to increase by 2.8 °C by the end of this century. Of critical concern is that marine protected areas may not provide refuge from the anticipated rate of large-scale warming, which could exceed the evolutionary capacity of coral and their symbionts to adapt. Combining high-resolution satellite measurements, an ensemble of global climate models and an eddy-resolving regional ocean circulation model, we show that warming and productivity decline around select Pacific islands will be mitigated by enhanced upwelling associated with a strengthening of the equatorial undercurrent. Enhanced topographic upwelling will act as a negative feedback, locally mitigating the surface warming. At the Gilbert Islands, the rate of warming will be reduced by 0.7±0.3 °C or 25 ± 9% per century, or an overall cooling effect comparable to the local anomaly for a typical El Niño, by the end of this century. As the equatorial undercurrent is dynamically constrained to the Equator, only a handful of coral reefs stand to benefit from this equatorial island effect. Nevertheless, those that do face a lower rate of warming, conferring a significant advantage over neighbouring reef systems. If realized, these predictions help to identify potential refuges for coral reef communities from anticipated climate changes of the twenty-first century.

A bathymetric view of the Phoenix Islands group of the Pacific islands nation of Kiribati. Credit: Phoenix Islands Protected Area.
As an interesting aside, in 2006 Kiribati created the Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA) to the east of the Gilbert Islands. In 2008 they doubled its size to make it the world's largest marine protected area. (Since then the Chagos Marine Reserve in the Indian Ocean has surpassed PIPA in size.)

410,500 square kilometers (158,453 square miles), about the size of California, PIPA preserves one of the Earth's last intact oceanic coral archipelago ecosystems, complete with eight coral atolls, two submerged reef systems, underwater sea mounts, and abundant marine and bird life.
This is a truly phenomenal accomplishment. 

But if the Gilbert Islands are destined to become one of the few places where coral reef biodiversity is able to hang on in the coming century, then maybe we should begin thinking about giving those waters stronger protections too.
An atoll of Kiribati. Via Flickr.

The paper:

  • Kristopher B. Karnauskas & Anne L. Cohen. Equatorial refuge amid tropical warming. Nature Climate Change (2012) DOI:10.1038/nclimate1499

That Was Yesterday

Yesterday was a challenge. 

I was in the shower when I heard an almighty scream (those out there with babies/toddlers, the bad news is, you can't leave them alone for a minute even in their tweens/teens). Little one had sneezed while brushing his teeth, smashed his mouth on the sink in the process and broken his beautiful, long-awaited, 'grown up', front tooth. Oh, how we had waited for that tooth. I think I even blogged about it, when we were searching for x-ray evidence of it up in the gum!

Once the shock wore off, the little mite was wringing his hands over the prospect of looking like Jim Carrey, in the movie 'Dumb and Dumber', forever... and the possibility that 'no-one will ever fall in love with me'. To make the situation worse, I was on my way out the door for 'my day in court'. Yes, the 'powers that be' from a previous tenancy decided they'd end our tenancy with a bang by refusing our bond payout, based on some normal wear and tear on the softest, engineered wooden floor in the universe (it was like living on play dough). Sigh. Alright then. Let's go to court.

Big son volunteered to stay home from school as he was also distraught (or so he said) and look after little one (with Gran's help, of course), so I could head off. The earliest dentist appointment we could get was 1pm ... so little one whimpered until then. He wasn't in pain, he just wanted to look normal again. Poor darling.... I felt terrible. 

I spent the morning sitting on the above ledge, at the court, trying to take my mind off things, trying to appreciate the view, the beautiful day, bemoaning the delays in the court timetable, fretting about my baby and summoning the strength to face the people who had given us very little 'quiet enjoyment' of our rental property for the past 12 months. I never bored you with the details about the constant 'entry notices' we received throughout the year, from these people, for 'rectification of defects'. The apartment was brand new and they had not fixed a very, very long list of building defects, the owner had highlighted, that needed to be fixed BEFORE we moved in. We were unaware of the situation before we moved in..... so thus began a year of apartment repairs.... on my time, ruining my belongings in the process... sometimes up to 4 times a month. Renting is so character building.

Long story short. I won. I'm getting my bond back. 

The 'Applicant' wore slippers to court! Need I say more. I received a text from my big son, before I went in to court. He said, "tell me one thing Mum, slippers or thongs"? I laughed out loud. I texted back, "slippers". My son marvelled at how 'the Applicant' wore those slippers everywhere, even when showing prospective tenants through the old place. You go to court... you take off your slippers and show that you respect the process. Ok done, got through that and then bundled the little one up on my return home and held his hand through the afternoon dentistry. 

It's not the same. It's not as good as it was, his dear little tooth :(

My world sort of stopped yesterday, my day passed in slow motion and everything that was meant to matter, mattered. All I thought about all day was my boy. He was all that mattered.....despite the distractions. Perspective. I am grateful for it.

Got this in my inbox last night:

"One little known secret to making precisely the right move, at precisely the right time in your life, A-M, is knowing that in all cases, there is more than one right move and more than one right time. Lots and lots more.

In other words, no matter what you do next, or when, so long as you do something, I'll meet you there, smooth the edges, polish the grill, and connect the dots.

    The Universe"

Thank you universe. Thank you for smoothing the edges and connecting the dots yesterday. Bye-bye annus horribilis... that's the last of you. Be gone!

Anyway, the house/land/shack is mine... as of last night.... picking up the keys today. And breathe out.
Now to get some tenants in, if it's liveable!

Commence Chapter Two.

Happy Tuesday! 
P.S. Hey, thanks Mum, for attacking my ironing pile... and for taking away shirts with missing buttons and school trousers that needed to be taken up. Oh it's nice to accept some help at times! So nice. xx


...still weekend :)
...még mindig hétvége :)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Monday Nook

Dear 'Paradise Building Developments'........ would you mind popping over to Australia to build my house?.... please?

Sarah, from Paradise Building Developments, in Mount Maunganui in New Zealand, sent me some photos of their latest show home.

Isn't this the prettiest kitchen? I love the symmetry, the bevelled subway tiles and the colonial kicks. Oooh, and I even love the 'lab sinks' (I call them lab sinks as they remind me of my uni biochemistry pracs that were held in the most depressing laboratories, with the very same sinks, albeit all splattered in all sorts of waste. They're growing on me... as the years pass. Sarah said they used my ideas in their Butler's pantry. Lovely. Thank you!

Let's not leave it at one nook, let's include the bathroom from this lovely home too.... a 'Monday Double Nook'.

Love the grey. Love it. Love the bath. There are those bevelled subway tiles again. Love them.
Lots of 'love' here this morning.

Even more gorgeous when you can see the ceiling! 
There are those tiles again.
Love a good 'subway'.

Happy Monday!

Oh, I forgot to mention, my house/land settles today!!! How could I forget? All ready to go. It will be mine at 5pm this afternoon, if all goes well. A good day already!

Natural Allergy and Sinus Relief Program with Shaklee

Most people who suffer with allergy and sinus problems feel they must resort to using medications that have unpleasant and even dangerous side effects.  For those who may be interested in safer, more natural alternatives, some of the following premium products by Shaklee may be of interest.


Scientists now believe 70% of the immune system is located in the gut … a good place to start to strengthen our immune system against allergic reactions.  There appears to be a surprising correlation between symptoms of upper respiratory congestion and sinus discomfort to poor elimination in the lower intestines.  This is often associated with an overgrowth of the Candida yeast organisms.  An increasing number of Americans suffer from Candida when the essential friendly microbes Nature intended to reside in our intestines get destroyed by medications such as antibiotics,  steroid-based drugs (e.g. asthma medications), oral contraceptives, and more.  Couple this with a diet culture so entrenched in sweets, breads, baked goods, chips, and snacks that are the favorite foods of the Candida organisms. 

A patented technology that allows the very fragile probiotics to pass through the highly acidic stomach protected by a triple encapsulation so they arrive exactly at the right location in the lower intestines. 

Developed and extensively tested by immunologists in Japan, this proprietary blend of natural plant extracts is derived from pumpkin seeds, safflower flowers, plantago seeds, and Japanese honeysuckle flower buds.  Nutriferon supports and stimulates the immune system by increasing the activity of macrophages (white blood cells) and inducing natural interferon production.  It optimizes the body’s immune response against environmental irritants and airborne substances (as with allergies and asthma).  Completely safe – no adverse reactions to these plant extracts recorded.

For continuous antioxidant protection against environmental assaults, this unique all-natural sustained formula slowly releases Vitamin C into your blood stream over a 5-hour period and provides nutrients from the entire vitamin C complex including bioflavonoids. Thus, it is very economical.  It has been found to protect against smog, chronic infection, allergies, asthma, colds, flu, swollen glands, anemia, smoke, poor diet, stress, bruising, varicose and spider veins, colon polyps, and slow healing.


Supported by 7 clinical studies, patented bio-activated absorption system.  Exceptional quality, over 340 quality tests on every batch produced.  Contains 23 essential vitamins and critical minerals, including 800 IU of Vitamin D3.  Kosher and gluten-free.

Also helpful to relieve symptoms:

With deep roots extending10 to 20 feet into the soil, this amazing plant is rich in trace minerals and protein plus contains 8 digestive enzymes. Recognized as a natural anti-histamine, allergy sufferers report good results from taking 3 or 4 of the little compressed sun-dried leaf tablets … containing no pesticides, fungicides, growth regulators, or synthetic hormones.  Other popular uses for alfalfa are swelling, pain and stiff joints, ulcers, stomach ailments, hiatal hernia, water retention, gout, body odor, and bad breath.

Retains all the potency of one clove of fresh raw garlic without the odor. Garlic is traditionally used for its  anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and
anti-inflammatory properties. People often take it to reduce symptoms of
allergy, asthma, colds, flu, sinus infections, yeast infections, diarrhea &flatulence. It also has heart protective properties of lowering elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Emphasize fresh vegetables and avoid sugar, breads,
and baked goods.


In addressing allergy and sinus problems, a two-fold approach is usually recommended:  

1) Strengthen the immune system (as discussed above), and 

2) Avoid products that could aggravate allergy and sinus conditions such as certain foods and cleaning products.  Many cleaning products not only irritate the skin, but their odors can aggravate upper respiratory problems. 

Step one in reducing toxins in and around our living space is to remove all toxic cleaning products from the home ..and replace them with the non-toxic, earth-friendly Get Clean Product line. Oprah Winfrey named these remarkable, effective, and yet inexpensive cleaners among her “favorite things”. They can be purchased individually or in the most popular Get Clean Starter Kit.  The kit includes products for the kitchen, the bathroom, and the laundry ... in particular fragrance-free dryer sheets (made from vegetables and biodegradable), a pint of Basic H2 (that makes 48 gallons of all purpose cleaner for about $10), and Scour Off cleanser for pots, pans, and stove tops in the kitchen and for tile cleaning in the bathroom.  Kosher certified.

Disinfectant made without cresol.  Cresol is easily absorbed by the skin and causes digestive disturbances, nervous disorders, mental changes, skin eruptions, and jaundice.  Basic G kills parvovirus, feline leukemia, distemper virus, and the AIDS virus on surfaces.  Note:  for allergy and sinus relief in the winter when it’s dry, remember to use a humidifier with a few drops of Basic-G to inhibit bacterial growth.

Combine advanced technology with herbal and botanical extracts
and antioxidants …especially formulated for sensitive skin. Hypoallergenic, pH balanced, no artificial col
orants or heavy mineral oils, noncomedogenic (won’t clog pores).   Plus a comprehensive highly derma-available complex designed to actually break each link in the chain of free radical damage.  Literally reverses the
accelerated aging the sun of the skin caused by computer screens, fluorescent lights, and the sun.

Contains Echinacea ... which activates the immune system, promotes
production of white blood cells, enhances resistance to infection (viral and bacterial), anti-inflammatory, promotes wound healing, reduces mucous, relieves boils, gangrene, ulcerations, bites, abscesses, and fights candida.  Also contains larchtree extract and elderberry to surround viruses and help prevent their reproduction. Best taken at onset of avirus.  Can also be used as a zinc lozenge or made into a tea. Very soothing to sore throats.

Because the brain is the most sensitive organ in the body, many experts recommend eliminating foods and environmental irritants that could create brain allergies.  (Source: Doris Rapp, M.D.  “Is This Your Child’s World?”)   Using Shaklee cleaning and personal care products may be helpful as they are based on a philosophy of “Living in Harmony with Nature.”

Information courtesy of Lagoni Health Associates.

Get your FREE SHAKLEE MEMBERSHIP TODAY!!! Only 2 days left!

 Have a great day,



Photo via Greenteam

Nem tudom, ti hogy vagytok vele, de én nagyon szeretem a hagymás virágokat. Sajnos most már épp elvirágoznak, ezért próbáltam utánajárni, hogy mit is kezdjek a száradó növényekkel. Több egymásnak ellentmondó információt olvastam arról, hogy távolítsuk-e el a hervadó virágokat, szárakat vagy hagyjuk magától leszáradni. Én jelenleg a hagyom magától elszáradni vonal híve vagyok. Lássuk, miért is:

A hagymás növények minden tápanyagot a hagymában tárolnak. A leszáradás folyamata közben az összes tápanyag visszahúzódik a hagymába, így jövő tavasszal a hagyma teljes erejével a virágzásra tud majd összpontosítani. Ha levágjuk a száradó részeket a hagyma idő előtt kifogyhat a tápanyagból, így jövőre nem biztos, hogy számíthatunk új virágokra. Maximum a virág fejét kell levágni, mert így a növény nem fogja erejét magok kialakítására fordítani, és még több értékes tápanyag jut a következő évi virágzásra. 
Tudom, hogy a száraz, sárgult kóró nem nyújt túl szép látványt, úgyhogy a kertben vegyük körbe őket évelőkkel a cserepeseket pedig tegyük egy olyan helyre (akár sötétre is) ahol senki sem látja, és amikor már minden száraz rajta csak akkor vágjuk le a leveleket és a virágot. A hagymákat, gumókat fel is szedhetjük a kertből (én bevallom nem szoktam) majd tegyük el őket újságpapírba csomagolva, száraz, hűvös helyre. Ősszel a hagymákat újra kiültethetjük a kertbe, vagy cserépbe, így karácsonyra vagy  februárra újra kivirágozhatnak.

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