
Friday, April 27, 2012

Top Speed

I finished the week at top speed yesterday, still tapping on my computer, loading up new goodies into my store, at 11pm last night. I was on a roll yesterday... very productive. Do you have days like that?....when you have boundless energy and plough through every task you have set yourself with a spring in your step and a smile on your face? 

My 'yesterday' reminded me of a little passage I read recently, from a book in the pile I keep beside my bed. The book is, 'Damn Good Advice (for people with talent!)'. It's by George Lois, advertising guru, the original 'Mad Man'! He lists his philosophies on achieving success in point form. It's such an entertaining read, complete with quirky advertising campaign illustrations. For his 7th point, he states:

"Creating ideas without a work ethic to follow through is inconceivable to me.
If you don't burn out at the end of each day, you're a bum! People watching me work ask me all the time why I'm not burnt out, how (especially now at my age) I manage to keep going. The fact is, I'm totally burnt out at the end of each day because I have given myself totally to my work - mentally, psychologically, physically. When I head home at night I can't see straight. But I love that feeling of utter depletion. It is an ecstatic sense of having committed myself to the absolute limit. But after recharging at night, I'm ready to go the next morning. Isn't that what life is all about?"

I can really relate to this passage.. that delicious feeling of 'good exhaustion' after a very productive day.
I do think though, yeah, alright George, you can bounce out of bed recharged because I bet you don't have to do two loads of washing, iron school uniforms, do the school lunches and be at school by 7am for Guitar Ensemble, after picking up car pooling child 2 streets away by 6.20am. But I get his point.

There is also the subject of balance. Productivity sometimes might come at a price.

They come first. End of story.... said the Mum.

Anyway, the results of my busy day yesterday, after playing in the filth that is my shed, are being loaded up into my Cape Cod Designs store this weekend. They started selling as soon as I started loading them up last night (it was comforting to know someone else was up late with me) so I think I can confidently say today that 'stock is limited'. I have always wanted to say that.. "while stocks last".. ha! 

Well it's pouring rain here... pouring... if they make my little boy play soccer in such rain today I will be a 'Not Happy Jan'.

At this very moment, I have my feet up and the Nespresso machine is purring. It's going to be a slower day today! ...although my dining room table is covered in receipts, as the BAS is due on Monday? Is it? Does anyone know? I can't find the form under all the paperwork. Maybe not such a slow day. Sigh! 

Happy Saturday! I seriously love Saturdays.. and I bet I am not alone in saying that!

Images Via Pinterest


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