So it was quite a surprise to me when Holy Thursday actually arrived.
Oh I knew it was coming, in fact I was sort of organised even, but when the day actually arrived I couldn't believe it was that close to Easter.
One of the things our girls were keen to do was to make a trifle which has been our traditional after Seder Meal desert. This year they wanted to do it themselves, I usually love doing this as trifle is one of my favourite deserts.
In fact they really enjoyed making this together and frankly it was certainly more lavish than I would make it.
So lavish in fact that when they put it in the fridge we had to put a tray underneath to catch the overflow. The results though were fantastic!!
Apart from our Seder meal the other main theme for the day was making our 'Crack me' eggs/
We had our table set nice an early for our meal and ready to get to Mass afterwards.
My carnivores nibbling the bones of the lamb roast as I was cutting it up.
Our script for the meal ready on the table
and the candles are lit and we begin.
This year we tried to make a grain free version of flat bread for the Seder meal, which unlike the recipe said it was more a pancake than a pita bread.
A toast after the Seder celebration.........." to life, to life L'chai-im! L'chai-im, l'chai-im, to life " which is one of our favourite quotes from Fiddler on the Roof.
I love family life!!!!!!!!!!
And so Good Friday came about..............
and as we had not put up our Calvary Crosses today was the absolute last day to get them up!!
Saxon spent quite a bit of time getting bigger and better timber for the crosses but after spending a long time splitting a huge tree found that his Dad was not that keen to try to dig a hole, deep enough to go to China to put the tree trunk in. Oh that was after we found some way to drag it up from the bush.
So finally he was convinced to re-use our crosses from last year ( he still isn't convinced this makes a great enough impression) and we placed them further down the hill ( up another smaller Hill) so they are even more visible to passing traffic. We really like to try to make an effort to get people to think about what Easter is all about
As we could not have our traditional Fish Burgers this year (that not grain thing results in no bread for burgers) we had fresh gem fish and salmon with chips for this Friday meal.
One of the most precious memories for us outside our attendance at Church on Good Friday and Confession is the making of Hot Cross Buns. I honestly can not remember not making them for our family and the thought of bought ones, well let me say, yuck!
This year I was looking for a great gluten free or sourdough recipe but frankly did not have time to trial them before hand. So it was back to the standard recipe for us. Which the children were not unhappy about as it is a tradition they were loath to forgo.
I was worried about our reaction to the wheat based on one prior experience but we did not have any severe reactions. I think even home made is better than bought wheat filled items. Perhaps it is the other things they add as well?
Rogan was so keen to help with the kneading this year we hand knead our bread mostly and it is a pleasure I still enjoy.
Putting on the crosses made from flour and water. This is a significant step for me and I really enjoy this part.
Our buns out of the oven. Don't they look great? By the way if anyone has a really, really good grain free sweet bread recipe I would love to know what it is! I still have not found any breads that REALLY are breads as we know them.
The icing sugar glaze I would normally put on I substituted with coconut sugar dissolved in hot water with added allspice. It turned our just perfect! I brush this on straight after the buns come out of the oven, and i think this makes them extra tasty.
Of course Trahaearn had his first Hot Cross Bun this night, in fact he actually ate two. There were no left overs like there has been some years, but I did not really want any so didn't make as much as in precious years. We did notice some affects through the night and next day with the wheat but like I said not nearly as much as with a bought bread product.
Photos are really important to me in recording events for future looking back. This one was one was all about Trahaearn and his first Holy Week with us, and how very very thankful and grateful to have this special and precious little guy with us.
So what's next?
Well I have a couple more Easter posts and then I really want to share with you our food journey (what we have cooked and baked and how much we liked and disliked them) with Grain 'n' Sugar FREE.
Time, time is what slow me down.
Until next time dear friends............
Blessings to you and your homes,
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