Well I guess it does depend on your perspective.
Sometimes I think I am a very patient person and at other times I KNOW I am not.
Obviously waiting for this new little dumpling to arrive has been a continued effort in patience for me. However I find that as I am able to overcome the waiting most days the fact some of those those dearest to me, the children are even less patient than I.
After my Dr visit yesterday and the news that we had been expecting (due to a previous Dr on Monday) that we would be meeting our little one on Friday (today if he or she had not arrived) the news of this new date 23rd May was quite unsettling to the children especially.
So my pondering thoughts on this and patience is: that even if we ourselves can be patient it is often harder for those around us who are anticipating a much looked forward event that this can then lead to anxiety and impatience. Which in turn can re-alter our own perspective.
Also I think there is a difference between waiting and waiting patiently!!!
Sometimes I also think this is not just the virtue of patience but the value we have placed on the thing we are waiting for.
The more intensly you desire the event/ item to arrive the more store you place upon this. This is where it is harder to have faith that God is control of all situations and that at the right time all will happen.
It is these situations that can be so devestating when it doen't happen when we are expecting it to. Over the last couple of years we have experienced this over and over, and it is hard not to become despondent when a new opportunity arrises and then does not progress to completion.
Patience is an everyday life goal, not daily even sometimes but hourly.
I know that it is the more these event/items that I have more trouble with.
I think over the years I have become more patient with those everyday situations of dealing with children and the life style we have. The little things I can give to God to help me with.
It is the major events in our lives I have trouble handing over, usually because I want them so much, not just for me but for our family as well.
So for the last few days of this pregnancy I will try to leave it in God's hands and be faithful to that, and in my own way help those special anxious brothers and sisters to be reach that place too.
Blessings to you and your homes,
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