It is interesting as we wait for our little dumpling how the older children seem to be as impatient as I am.
They are very good at pampering me and allowing me to rest though- how blessed am I?
Today after a visit to the ante-natal clinic, I was concerned as the baby's movements had seemed reduced over the last couple of days, I was greeted as I got out of the car by a group of happy children glad to have their mummy home.
The brightest little smile came from our about to be replaced 'baby'. Of course the other little ones had plenty to show me from my mini absence as well. But I reflected on how blessed I am again to have such happy and contended children who are unafraid to show their love and devotion to all within the family circle.
We then had a simple lunch together and went outside to go for a walk and then to ride scooters and just congregate on the front veranda.
This seems to be the type of days we are having, needed tasks completed: like lessons and homemaking duties and then time together savouring the everydayness of our life.
After this I actually was quite tired (as I have trouble sleeping at night) and little Arwen was as well. We then made our way up stairs to the main bedroom and had a snuggle together that resulted in a nap for both of us. Just before we sleep Myffwyn came up for a snuggle too, just to be with me and after having had her share of 'mummy love' was content to go back down to play with the others.
While being able to indulge in this past time Eden and Saxon put together a wonderful Pea and Ham soup for dinner and Rogan made some choc chip cookies.
It is a great feeling to know that our children can accomplish these tasks that once were just my own domain. Do I feel replaced by their abilities to do I feel honoured and grateful for the help the children are able to be.
Life in our home is a little un-predictable at the moment. We have so many of us just anxious to welcome our newest blessing that it seems to really disrupt our day. It is the focus of all we do at the schedules and time frames to allow for appointments and the need extra groceries etc.
In amongst all this we have the everyday happiness and contentment of a shared and caring relationship that builds with the ordinary things we do.
So for the rest of the week I think I will continue to love and relish in the joy of our family and the gift we have in one another, truly what else can be so important ♥
Blessings to you and your homes,
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