I certatinly lost my last two posts and subsequently any comments and when I checked in my dashboard they weren't even in drafts in the completed form.
Having lost some psots before I have come up with a simple way of being able to recover them.
I have meant to share this before but keep forgetting, sorry!!
I simple subscribe to my own blogs in Google reader. This allow me to open up the blog post and copy and paste it back into my dashboard and republish it, which is what I have done with my last two posts that went missing - Simple Pleasures and The New PlayGround.
So I apologise if you have seen these already (on the blog or in Google reader) and had left a comment that is now gone but it is the only simple way I know of to fix it.
I hope you all are finding your own blogs returned to you in a normal manner. Looking forward to postins more interesting posts soon.
Blessings to you and your homes,
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