Now for many years in fact over 12 years we have not had a bread maker. We were at a stage in our lives where it just wasn't big enough for us and I was keen to return to the days of mixing my dough by hand...well almost. It was a t this stage we bought a couple of mixers with a dough hook.
Well this worked until both the machines, being not heavy duty enough broke and for a while we went back to store bought bread or hand kneading.
For a couple of years during this process I was very keen to get a Kitchen Aid Mixer which was supposed to be the 'ants pants' in kneading bread dough. Well to tell the truth we couldn't mix 2 loaves at a time without the dough climbing up the mixer blade and had to have it repaired at our own cost as they said we over filled it even though we followed the directions to the letter. And frankly it took a lot of time to clean up and of course watch and fix during the kneading process. Not good if you are trying to be quick!!
Since then we have periodically used ti for doughs we might not need a lot of and mostly we hand knead most doughs.
However we did not make bread much die to the slower process. Our children all love homemade bread though,especially Autumn who remembers making it with me when she was only 3 years old. It was special time for us together.
So the bread machine has come into our home again. WE LOVE IT.
Obviously one loaf isn't enough for lunch so we just have to start earlier and make 2 loaves both using the rapid setting. I don't know why it didn't occur to me years ago, I guess with age comes wisdom.☺We are very happy with doing this though and often put on a loaf for the 'afternoon munchies' too.
One day my dream is to get an industrial size mixer to mix huge amounts in but until then we are quite pleased with our newest adventure with home made bread once more.
Which just goes to prove though that home made even in a bread machine is better than store bought!
Blessings to you and your homes,
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