It's been a really rainy day in Suffolk today, but despite the weather, I've had a very enjoyable time! I paid a visit to the Ark & Craft Fayre. It was lovely and buzzy when I arrived with lots of of lovely stalls selling really gorgeous high quality crafts and makes.

Of course, I could not resist the button jewellery stall! There were some really lovely necklaces and bracelets. But this is the one that made it home with me! As if I need more buttons! A girl can never have too many in my view!

I also purchased these gorgeous handmade recycled envelopes. Made from the pages of magazines and newspaper supplements, they are a brilliant way of recycling.

And how much more interesting to receive an envelope like this through the post, than a boring plain one!

I couldn't leave the fayre without purchasing some of Kay's fantastic millionaires shortbread. It was Kay's first time at the Ark & Craft Fayre, with her new business - Lady Galula Eclectic Cakes. In celebration of her new business venture Kay had developed a new flavour - Chilli & Lime millionaires shortbread. I didn't even manage to wait long enough to take a photo of it before trying it out -as you can see from the picture! It was absolutely fabulous!

Anita was also at the Ark & Craft Faye selling some of her gorgeous glass ware. Anita has also fired all our work from our glass workshop day and here are some of my finished pieces.

It's always so exciting to see how things turn out.

OK, I know it is a little premature for Christmas Trees but I'd seen some that Anita had done and decided to get started early!!!

I will be putting hangers on these and think they will make perfect little individual presents. I am already planning another visit so I can increase my forest of trees!

Rory is currently being a very active little boy and is racing up and down the hallway so it has taken me about three times as long to write this post! I did just about manage to snap him sitting still though! One week on and he's growing fast!!
Enjoy your weekend.
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