I often go through times where I focus more on prayers for our home and for the children especially. Tranquility in our home is based around my heartfelt attitude to my vocation and I usually find when I focus on these type of prayers that my heart tends to respond in a more gentle and caring manner.
These prayers below are some that are on my heart at the moment~
Just for Today:
Oh God, give me grace for this day.
Not for a lifetime, not for next week, not for tomorrow,
just for this day.
Direct my thoughts and bless them.
Direct my work and bless it.
Direct the things I say and give them blessing, too.
Direct and bless everything that I think and speak
and do. So that for this day, just this one
day, I have the gift of grace that comes from
your presence
Oh God, for htis day, just this day let me live generously, kndly, in a state of grace and goodness that denies my many imperfections and makes the more like you.
by Marjorie Holmes
Learning the Joy of Giving:
Lord, help my child to be a giver rather than a taker.
Help my child to experience the joy of giving.
May, my child be swift to give time, talent, money,
possessions, thaks, conpliments, healing words, smiles, love,
hugs and a hand or an ear, whenever the opportunity presents itself
by William and Nancie Carmichael
For Right Goals:
Heavenly Father, please give our children the right goals.
Keep them from driftin, from gooing with the crowd
to gain popularity and plenty of friend.
Please enable them to sort out their strengths and weakness.
Help them to see their talents and abilities , not as accidents of birth
or random combination of genes, but as gifts from yourself,
to be treasured, develope and used in living life as you,
God, mean it to be lived.
And help them to have their priorities right.
Then the rest of life's concerns will fall into place.
So we would ask you Father - please give our children the right goals.
by Marion Stroud
Thank You Lord:
For all these smallnessesI thank You, Lord:
small children
and small needs;
small meals to cook
small talk to heed,
and a small book
from which to read
small stories;
small hurts to heal,
small disappointments, too,
as real
as ours;
small glories to discover
in bugs,
When day is through
my mind is small,
my strength is gone;
and as I gather
each dear one
I pray, “Bless each
for Jesus’ sake—
such angels sleeping,
imps awake!”
What wears me out
are little things:
angels minus
shining wings.
Forgive me, Lord,
if I have whined—
it takes so much
to keep them shined;
yet each small rub
has its reward,
for they have blessed me.
Thank you,
By Ruth Bell Graham
Refuge for my Children:
I pray that my children will be kept safe, safe from physical harm and especiall safe fro the evil one, who would destroy.
I pray that my children will have that wonderful sense of
being cradled by God, even in the stormy times of their lives,
that they will run to the shelter of the Lord's presence for refuge.
by William and Nancie Carmichael
Blessings to you and your homes,
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