Now, we tend to like unusual names as some of you may have guessed, but we still have some criteria for choosing names that we have kept to each time we make a short list.
I thought it might be fun to ask for some ideas from you all.
Of course you have nothing better to do but I like doing this for other people and perhaps you might too.
Here are the critiria:
♥ For a christian name boy or girl~
It must be 2 syllables
End with an N
Be of: English, Irish, Celtic, Old English, Welsh or Scottish origin
Must be uncommon - not something you have heard a lot of (for me I must not have heard anyone use it before)
♥ For a second name~
The only criteria is that it is once again, uncommon and of course sound nice with the first name
To help you here are our children's full names:
Kynan Blair
Braedon Curtis
Autumn Adara
Eden Avril
Saxon Wallace
Vellvin Faine
Rogan Parrish
Moran Paige
Myffwyn Verity
Corbyn Ryder
Arwen Finvarra Perpetua
Now I know some of these are more popular now and I have heard some of them recently but when we named each of our children we had never heard of the names before!
Blessings to you and your homes,
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