
Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Bathroom

Images Courtesy Channel 9

Oh boy, 'the girls' have had a week on 'The Block', haven't they? 

What was with the 'builder' and his pure delight at seeing Katrina and Amie so distressed and falling behind schedule??? 

I couldn't watch.....well I watched through my fingers..... with my mouth open in shock! A little bit too close to home for me.... memories of my builder telling me I'll "get what I'm $%#* given", when I questioned why we weren't following the 'council certified plan'? At least I didn't have a one week deadline and the whole of Australia watching my despair. Even my boys said, "you shouldn't be watching this Mum", with alarm in their eyes! Oh girls.... we felt your pain, we really did....the whole of Australia did.

But yay, they rose from the ashes and produced this beauty... with a gorgeous basin, stunning tiles... and a real sense of space. Remember who their target market is.. DINKS..and remember this doubles as a downstairs powder-room too. No need for a bath. There was a bit of stress around not being able to fit a bath in. Girls, the bath was not an issue at judging was it! Yay!

I like the black wall... it's bold and brave.

I'm sorry but those wall tiles.... stop. my. heart.

Great use of space with the overhead cupboards. Grey glass spash-back...beautiful contrast and very innovative. And I'm totally the floor tiles.... same colour as mine. Fabulous taste girls!

Head over to Katrina's blog HERE. I'm sure she will load up some 'Block goss' today.

Happy Monday!

PS. I found Bill. Tell you all about it tomorrow.


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