They were bantering back and forth about what ,I now do not remember, probably nothing of significance but just enjoying each others company while they worked.
As they were doing this I was thinking about how much time we spend in the kitchen, preparing meals, eating meals and cleaning up meals. Not to mention the time spent making many wonderful goodies for our family and umpteen hot cups of drink.
We as a family tend to congregate in the kitchen to talk while we work. There are 'folding up parties' thrown quite regularly in this room and it seems natural that when we have guests we tend to congregate in this room while getting a nice cuppa prepared.
I have had many interesting and deep conversations while in this room while washing up or making snacks for the family. In fact between the kitchen and the washing line this is where I have had many a 'heart to heart' with the children who need this type of attention.
We as women of the home, the homemakers that we are....this is our domain. The one that so often in history past and present is the true heart of the home.
What a delightful opportunity we have to give the full appreciation of this thought in our day to day living. The talk we can have in our kitchen were we spend so much of our time can be once again an opportunity to create harmony and peace to those in our immediate company.
AS we go about the daily living that is so much a part of our daily lives, we spend so much of our time in the kitchen and we can give special consideration to the thoughts and desires of others within our family circle.
So I think that as women of the home we would do well to remember this very special recipe:
Sunshine Pie
A pound of patience, you must find
Mixed well with loving words, so kind
Drop in 2 pounds of helpful deeds
And thoughts of other people's needs.
A pack of smiles, to make the crust,
Then stir and bake it well you must.
And now, I ask that you may try,
The recipe of Sunshine Pie.
~Author Unknown
Blessings to you and your homes,
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