
Saturday, July 23, 2011

I Ate Melbourne

In the tradition of my brief sojourn in Paris, I am endeavouring to eat my way through Melbourne too. I took your advice my readers and found my way to 'Laurent' where I enjoyed this delight. I made sure I spent the rest of the day walking fast.

I couldn't get a front on shot of the beautiful front gate as I was scared I might side-swipe the Maserati parked out front.

I suppose I also stalked Melbourne too. Yesterday, I hired a little car and staked out the peaceful precincts of Toorak and Kew, drooling over gables, French doors, chimneys and gardens. I did stop to explain to some puzzled residents what the lady with the iphone in the little red car was up to. Met some lovely people! Is it wrong to desperately want live in Toorak and Kew?

So this morning I am meeting up with Julie-Ann from the Decorating Forum for breakfast. Very excited as we have been cyber friends for ages and have never met. I tell you, this is the year of 'putting faces to names' for all my blog friends and colleagues. It is wonderful to meet in person. And it always feels like we have known each other for ever.

I am rescuing my Mother from my 'tree-climbing' boys tonight. I have missed them. And they me (from the secret, 'way after bedtime', 9.30pm, "Nighty night-Mum, I love you more than anything in the world" text messages I have been receiving!!!).

Happy Sunday!


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