Well, yes actually as I am way behind in our birthday posts.
Now I know that you all are not nearly so interested in our birthdays and how we celebrate each one as we are, and yes many of them are similar. However that is the beauty of traditions that I love the similar and familiar that we can look forward to
I asked our children "Do you really want me to post each of your birthdays in pictures on the blog?" and they answered "YES!!" most definitely.
So mindful that this blog is about our family and the 'everydayness' we share as a family as well as the thoughts and opinions I like to share here I will be adding this post to the birthday pile.
This year Moran and Myffwyn had decided to celebrate their birthday's together. Now mostly we try to do individual birthdays even when they are close together however we were celebrating Moran's later than her actual birth date and almost at Myffwyn's so joining them was something we could do.
The fact that as two girls who do most things together and were probably going to get at least some presents similar if not the same as they are only 2 years apart in age. At ages 9 and 7 girls tend to have the same interests I have found.
I was so glad that I had made the saints for the girls prior to Trahaearn's birth as this was so soon after that I was still quite tired (Moran's birthday is exactly the day before Trahaearn was born- so this will be fun in years to come). I made them when I was doing Rogan's for his birthday. Moran has St Lucy and Myffwyn has St Maria Goretti. I was also very blessed as my darling girl Eden made and decorated the crowns for me for both girls.
Do you ever wonder what to buy for your children for birthdays? I often struggle with ideas for our children. We always get the children to make a list of what they would like and they can put whatever they like on it no matter how improbable.
Even so I don't want to buy them junk presents that break or something just to fill up the birthday bag.
Our little girls are very girly girls and play with girl orientated toys. For some time I have been toying (ha ha) with the idea of a "Mud Kitchen"and thought that giving some play utensils etc for the birthday was a great way to encourage the use of a mud kitchen. I will be sharing this soon!!
Mind you this has long been a play activity in our home with all our children. However this time they can use their own posts and pans and stuff and leave mine alone for me to actually cook with.
Another idea was for them to play outside even more and so hula hoops and basket ball and soccer balls are always needing to be replaced after being lost or broken. The baskets were a big asked for item ever since Vellvin got one for Christmas and continually uses it as her Young Miss Marple basket.
As our girls have grown so fast over the years and worn out all the hand me downs the three older girls have had the lack of winter clothes was something I needed to address. So on the birthday list was winter jumpers, sweaters for you US friends!
We were especially blessed to get each of the girls 2 skivvies and a skirt or jeans for $6 each at our local St Vincent De Paul shop as well as a few items for Arwen at the same time. These although not new still looked in excellent condition and we were able to buy more for less dollars, this meant more dollars left for us at the end of the day.
One of the provisos according to the girls about sharing a birthday was the fact that they each got their own special cake of their choice. Myffy wanted this HUGE rabbit cake and Moran wanted the caterpillar.
This caterpillar is one of my favourite cakes to make, it is so easy.
It is made up of jam rollettes laid side by side in a squiggly pattern and then just iced (or creamed) over then decorated with the lollies to give it spikes and feet and a face.
Happy birthday to our two special princesses ♥
Blessings to you and your homes,
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