I pray for the ability to be all that I can be in this regard to this vocation along with my other prayers.
The desire to be gentle of ~ heart, word, deed and face (smile with love)
To show unconditional love at all times and that the unconditional live is evident to our children.
I try to show interest in all that interests them even if it really isn't 'my cup of tea'
I try to tell the children I love them and cuddle or hug them each day...giving physical affection.
I try to be thankful for any work or task I ask them to do and use my 'best company manners' with them.
Mostly I just try to be there for them and love them to the best of my ability.
I am always looking at ways to improve how I am being a mother to our children and finding new prayers and encouraging quotes helps me. I found this one a long time ago and thought it time to share it with any who desire it.
Prayer to Be a Good Mother:
Mary, my Mother, grant that my little children may instruct me in the ways of God.
Let their innocent eyes speak to me of the spotless holiness of Jesus.
Let their open smiles remind me of the great love God has for his creatures.
Let their helplessness teach me the unbounded power of God.
May their first feeble efforts to speak call to mind the wisdom of the Almighty.
May their simple trust in me lead me to cherish a like confidence in God.
May my love for God be stimulated by the deep-rooted affection my children have for me.
May I in all these things grow in a greater appreciation of my holy motherhood.
Mary, I trust in you to obtain this favor for me.
Mother of Mothers, pray for me
Blessings to you and your homes,
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