
Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Start of our New Basement

I am so excited about this post!!

We are finishing our basement!!!

We moved into our house over 4 years ago and our basement was a toy room/workout room/office/dumping ground.

It was always a mess because I never cared about it! 

Well, we cleaned the whole thing!!!  That alone is a dream come true for me because at times, it was un-walkable!!  (I know that is not a word, lol!)

I didn’t take pictures because it was really embarrassing! Trust me, it was un-motivating and ugly!

I gave a ton of it away, took some things to a re-sale, (I will show pictures later about that) threw out a lot of garage and old, broken items and the rest is in my garage, living room and dining room.

This was A LOT of work!!

Here are some pictures of it now…ah…some much better!

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The workers started today and I will keep you updated weekly on the progress because I am soooo excited about it!  And then, I will have more space to organize and decorate!! Smile

To see picture of what are basement looked like before, go here.

What does your basement look like?

Is it finished?

Do you use it a lot?

Have a great day!



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