
Thursday, December 1, 2011

School's Out

Well, the boys did their customary 'end of school jumping in the pool in their uniforms' thing yesterday, despite the rain.... and the fact that the water was freeeeeeezing.

The iPhone doesn't like gloomy days.. so all these photos are tragically blurred... but you get the idea.


I rode into town to run some errands. I don't need any excuse to get on that $49 bike of mine..... and to tell everyone I meet that it was $49. All the girls in 'Specsavers' are getting that bike for Christmas, after my visit this morning. They're all putting it on their Christmas list. Working in town, they are sick to death of paying $1000 per minute for parking, like I was.... before bike.

I even told Bill all about my bike... as I ride past him each day and scare the living daylights out of him when I yell out. I stopped today and he showed me the artwork he had just finished. It's the Toowong reach of the river. I love it to bits. His latest works are divine. So colourful. He is so clever.

That's the ferry terminal, in front. I told him his groovy cars look like something out of 'The Jetson's'.
He told me I looked like Jackie O in my sunglasses. We could've bantered for hours.... but I had errands to run.

It was dark and stormy so my planned stunning picture of 'the red tree with the Kurilpa Bridge in the background' was a disappointment. It was a lovely view in real life.

It's a killer to ride up as it is ALL uphill into town. The legs burn. 
It's great to speed down on the way back though!

Speaking of disappointment, the city Christmas tree is up. 
Seriously underwhelming.

The whole square has gone to pot. 
It used to be grassy with fountains and trees and shade. 
Now it is concrete and 50 degrees celsius on an average day. 

At least they kept the lions.

It was seriously dark and stormy by the end of the day.
I sat on my deck with my feet in the rain.
It was a good day :)

Happy Friday!


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