We have had many joys, changes and challenges over the last year and it seems we will see many changes for the new year as well - so far.
This year I do expect great things for our family and I will be hoping to be part of helping our family circle stay close together even as we start the chain of 'family dispersal.'
Life moves on and our choice is to embrace the opportunities we are blessed with or to be fixated on the past and difficult circumstances. I certainly hope to embrace all that is placed within my grasp this year, even looking for the joy in all circumstances whether joyful or a little more confronting.
I am still contemplating my goals,,desires and ambitions for the coming year. I helped some of our children with their own list this evening and so was unable to give mine the thoughts I wanted but I have thought about tow things: relationships and gentleness. So I think these will feature in my immediate future as a major part of my 2012 lifestyle.
Once again we had a beautiful New Year Bonfire with family memories and these are treasured moments that I know will become fond memories.
May this year be filled with many opportunities to grow in love for Our Lord and in His service too. May blessings be upon each one of you and your families as we walk this road together ♥
Thank you for your encouragement, prayers and friendship over the last year. I have been blessed by so many of you and give thanks for the opportunity to share my heart and home with you.
Prayers for the New Year ~
God, thank you for a new year. May everyone in our family be willing to begin anew with a clean slate. We know that you are always ready to forgive us. Help us to be willing to forgive ourselves and to forgive one another.
As we begin a new year, remind us of our truest values and our deepest desires. Help us to live in the goodness that comes from doing what you want us to do. Help us to put aside anxiety about the future and the past, so that we might live in peace with you now, one day at a time.
A New Year’s Prayer~
Another year is dawning
With the chance to start anew.
May I be kinder, wiser, Lord,
In all I say and do.
Not so caught up in selfish gain
That I would fail to see
The things in life that mean the most
Cost not a fancy fee.
The warm, kind word that I can give,
The outstretched hand to help,
The prayers I pray for those in need–
More precious these than wealth.
I know not what may lie ahead
Of laughter or of tears;
I only need to know each day
That You are walking near.
I’m thankful for this brand new year
As now I humbly pray,
My hand secure in Yours, dear Lord,
Each step along the way.
by Kay Hoffman
Blessings to you and your homes,
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