It seems we have whizzed through Advent this year and I can honestly say I am ready for Christmas.
Not only for the purpose of the celebration of the Birth of Jesus, Our Saviour but I am so ready for the sense of relaxation and accomplishment that comes after the preparations that needed to be done for this most spectacular fest day to be actually here and rejoice in the joy of Christmas!!
We have come to the end of this Advent with much baking, present making and feast days celebrated. we have had some extra guests this year as well and have enjoyed sharing our family traditions with them.
Our children are especially excited this year and it is so beautiful to see the joy on the younger children's faces as they anticipate the 'specialness' of this day.
Younger children really do bring home the little things that are important and I am thankful that we have these blessings to remind me of the beauty in everyday life.
So as we come to this last evening, Christmas Eve, we are preparing our hearts and home for the coming of the Christ Child.
The highlight of Christmas for most of our children is actually not the morning of Christmas Day with the presents (although this is a very big event) but the Midnight Mass we attend and the Midnight Feast we celebrate after we come home and before everyone goes to bed, after putting out the Christmas Bags, in the early hours of the morning.
Our children are always keen to take up the offering and this year Vellvin, Moran and Corbyn will be having this honour. Saxon and Rogan will serve and Stephen is doing one of the readings. We feel it a privilege and honour to be part of the Mass in these ways.
So as I go off to attend to these final preparations I pray you find the Christ Child in your own homes this night and share this love with all whom you love.
Blessings to you and your homes,
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