
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

'Unsettling Times' Update

Good idea Martha., stashing the sheets inside the matching pillow case!

 ..... I moved. Problem solved.

As George Bernard Shaw said, "Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything".

I took your advice and hightailed it in to the RTA in person. They put me in the picture wrt my rights.
I was not going to live in a display unit, with buyers traipsing through all day at times convenient only for them.

So now they've got their display unit!, a non income producing one, with no furniture... was nice furniture too... left over from 'the house'. They didn't want to I had my tantrum and I moved. Feels good....and I tell you, I'm getting pretty good at it.... moving that is, not tantrums. I was either a 'pre-packer' or a cleaner in a previous life. I swear, I have it down pat.

I now have a linen cupboard... yay.... although not as pretty and organised as this one from Martha. Small blessings though.

...and I have 'lebensraum' ..... that's today's 'Word Of The Day', in my inbox. It means: 'space required for living, growth and development'. I highly recommend and subscribing to the 'Word A Day'. One day I am going to be so eloquent, my mother will not need to correct my grammar or pronunciation... .... at the tender age of 44!

Anyway......the removalists stacked everything to the roof in the shed so now it is going to take trolleys and blood sweat and tears to get to the pretties for my giveaway. I had them stashed in a little inaccessible pile off to the side. What was I thinking? It all happened so fast. Sorry about the delay, prizewinners. Actioning the prizes this week. Oh and custom lighting update over HERE.


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