Stephen and our older boys made this for our use quite a few years ago. The cross arms are made from Macrocarpa pine and the posts are white gum tree posts from our property.
There are two sections of line space with a middle post to divide it. We have 66 meters of clothes line: each section has 6 lines and each line is 5 1/2 meters long.
Obviously it can carry a lot of washing. /but believe it or not we do run out of space sometimes.....our major problem is keeping up with the amount of pegs we need.Vellvin Anna-Lisa and Autumn waiting for me on the veranda just near our clothes line.
On Friday as Braedon came home from work he brought his very special girl, Anna-Lisa some beautiful flowers.
Really these are my favourite flowers too. Pink and white roses and baby's breath. They had some lovely sparkle spray on them and wrapped in pink tissue paper. Very beautifully presented and all to Braedon's specific instructions.
One of the major reasons I didn't post over the weekend is that our Kynan came home for the weekend. As this tends to be a very short time: from 10:30pm on Friday night until 10:30 am Sunday we tried to fit a lot of time in just being together.
Even so the time just seemed to fly by so quickly and it was time to drive him back to the airport.
Our little Arwen was so happy to have her Kynan home that she went straight to him on Friday night and cuddled him until she went to sleep. She wouldn't go to anyone else and was so delighted to have him with her, she kept gazing at him with such love and caring.
This was a flower that Stephen spotted as the children and he went for a walk on Saturday.
Really we did nothing special on the weekend with Kynan, we just enjoyed the feeling of completeness within our family with him home.
Our dam with some wild ducks on it. We tend to get them every year and they lay they eggs in a nest here too. The dogs of course enjoy the water as well.
One of the family activities we have always done together is when we clean up after dinner we put on music and do the tidying up, washing up together.
Of course this usually involves dancing and singing together as we do this chore and our older children can remember this from when they were little.
Mind you we don't do this every night as it can be very loud and boisterous but we really do enjoy this and it helps the feeling of family togetherness as we work together and play at the same time.
Some of our children enjoy this more than others at times and of course if you need a broom to sweep with you can play the guitar as well.
After we had dropped Kynan off at the airport I asked Stephen if we could stop along the roadside and pick some Hawthorn for us to use in our Lenten crown of thorns.
I really love this bush/tree. It grows to such wonderful heights and I have seen it trimmed into a hedge. In summer it has the most glorious white blossoms and now in Autumn it has red berries on the branches.
As we drove home the scenic route we saw this beautiful old church that I just had to take a photo of as I was in a scenic photo taking mode.
Another view of this magnificent church!!
Another lovely old home on a property we drove past as well. I would love to have one of these old homes on a working farm......dreams to wish for.
I was trying to get photos of the Hawthorn but it really wasn't easy even when Stephen slowed down for me.
I also love these big trees on the properties you see. Our children simply adore them, although not for the beauty of the tree but for the idea of tree houses built within those spreading branches.
So our weekend came to an end and we had a wonderful family time, but certainly those plans I indicated I was going to do for Lent this year .......well I am still doing those tonight. In fact we may even start Lent this year with out them written out properly. I do have a rough idea but just need to focus on making the charts and plans still.
We did make our Mardi Gras Masks, using my models from Friday, today and this was a long process that took longer than I thought.
Expect a post on this tomorrow too. Until then goodnight.....
Blessings to you and your homes,
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