In my weekly 'Hearts for Home' post I am encouraging myself and others to commit to thinking about what 4-6 things we can do each week to bring our thoughts, prayers and actions to keeping our 'Hearts for Home'.
I am praying that a spirit of gentleness, generosity in thoughts and time along with loveliness and grace would lead us to be all that God wants us to be.
I pray also that each person involved in 'Hearts for Home' would also pray for any others involved as well.
May you be blessed by this initiative. I pray it brings you and your family many blessings.
So each week list 4-6 things you will commit to that will keep your "Hearts for Home'.
Please leave a you name and a link to your blog (if you don't have one just leave your list in the comment box) and perhaps a comment so we can all see and encourage each other.
If you would like, add the 'Hearts for Home' logo to your side bar as a reminder of your goals.
God Bless you this week.
♥ Please leave a link to your Hearts for Home Edition on the Mister Linky at the end of the post, so we can all come and visit.
I would also appreciate you linking back here too.☺ ♥ ♥
My list for the 22nd March is ♥ ♥
1. I still find that I need to keep focusing on rest and relaxation☺
I really think I am quite rundown. I have symptoms that are reoccurring I have only when I have tried to do too much.
So again for this week I am trying to step back, To "Stop Look and Listen" to each person who speaks to me this week, giving my full and complete yet loving whole attention.
2. I do know when I am run down that I am not the best Mummy I can be. It must be so as even my beautiful children have said I am 'grouchy'.♥ So this needs to be a priority for me.
3. We have only one feast day coming up this week (I even missed one last week which was a huge thing for me as I recognised I just couldn't do it) The Annunciation (here is our link to last year) and perhaps this small amount will be all we do again.
4. Due to my not being focused I have not achieved my goal -To smile a greeting each time I see a 'new' face who comes looking for me or as I pass them by in daily life.
So this will be a major priority for me this week, perhaps I will even succeed.
5. Obviously a Gentle heart, gentle thoughts, gentle words this week are needed much more than I had thought due to my grouchiness.
6. As I am focusing on Contentment and other home focus's this week I am trying to get to some of my craft projects that I find help me to center.
Blessings to you and your homes,
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