What is it with waking up at the crack of dawn? Well 3.59am to be precise. Every. Day.
Does anyone else out there rattle around in the dark every morning like I do?
I don't think I am complaining, I am just curious as to why, even when I am dog tired, 3.59am hits, and just like 'GroundHog Day', I am up and at 'em.
Tried everything... and being a scientist by training have administered the 'control' situation as well. Later to bed/early to bed. Alcohol/no alcohol. Coffee/no coffee after 12pm. Milk/no milk. Dark room/not so dark room. Snack/no snack. Small meal/whopping meal. Damn pineal gland.
My Mum says, even as a little tacker, I was up with the sparrows. She recalls a period in my life, when I had just learnt to string a sentence together. I used to rock my (well chewed, lead based painted) cot to the other side of the room and lean out the window to my neighbour ('Mr Ron', or as I called him 'Mr Won) and recite: "NOW the day is coming up", over and over, with emphasis on a different word every time I warbled it. "now THE day is coming up"..."now the DAY is coming up"....now the day IS coming up".... 'Mr Won' always used to call back, "Good morning Mi-Mi". Dear Mr Won, if you'd laid low I might not have done it EVERY morning.
I must admit, the pure dawn hours, when the birds are waking up, are my most creative. Problems that I couldn't solve the night before all suddenly have solutions, fears I have are acknowledged and logically 'dissipated'.... and dawn is the best time to be grateful..... for another day.
The dawn gives you great strength I reckon. Oh, and I get to blog... in the dark... with the birds... in the most 'delicious' peace and quiet.
Is anyone else out there rattling around in the wee small hours? Drop me a line. I'm up!
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