I love this quote by Laura Ingalls Wilder
"It is the sweet simple things in life, which are the real ones in life."
Capturing those everyday yet special times of joy and contentment is a pleasure to look back on. The small things that we don't usually remember but strengthen the bond within the family circle.
That is what this post is about....the special times in the everyday, simply captured in images that bring a smile or my face and contentment in my heart.
Daddy giving horsey back rides and Arwen riding Daddy's little horse from when he was a baby.
Just "some secret toast and jam, OK for get the toast just some secret Jam" from a popular Nanny McPhee quote used often in our home.
Moran's Afternoon tea cafe
Playing with the kittens--of course you put them in a bucket.
Our Lenten Altar using my Hand Painted Saints
Our St Patrick's Day book display
Our kittens- Midnight, Buttons, Hammy, Milo, Moppet II
My Wooden people exchange all ready to post
Singing a song they made up very late one night......'Pajama Party'
The girls hang out.....Vellvin, Autumn, Anna-Lisa and Eden
Clover fight with Saxon.....everyone else against him.
Lovin' the Kittens
Bubble beard while washing up
Fresh potatoes straight from the farm
Apricot pie making
Well, we don't know why but this is a very grown up girl......wearing her brothers pajama pants on her head.
The kittens are very obliging in allowing the children to play with them...Arwen was keen to get all the kittens in the little washing basket and pushing them.
Our bucket baths due to the water situation in this post
We have not have had all the bikes working together for some time and so last weekend Stephen fisxed most of them up. It was Myffwyn's first attempt to ride without training wheels for a long time.
She was most keen to have her training wheels back on untill we helped her a little.
Now she is a master at two wheel riding.
Of course bike racing is all the rage now and I think we need to introduce a handicap to allow the younger children a chance at winning.
Hoping al is well and you are enjoying your own family moments as well ♥
Blessings to you and your homes,
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