One of my fantasies has been to be able to sow a whole field of wild flowers that we can then walk through and pick, bringing these beautiful flowers inside to brighten up our home. some of my faovurite movies or old TV shows are ones that have wild flowers in them and who can watch the Little House on the Prairie series and not want to run down a hill covered in wild flowers like the Ingalls girls.
When we lived in outback NSW I would love to go out to the country and pick the wild flowers. I spent many happy afternoons with our family picking them and then bringing them home to hang up to dry.
How I remember the beautiful look of hanging flowers to dry in our laundry. I have always wanted to have them hanging in the kitchen like the old fashioned ones you see.
On our property we have been blessed to have had some wildflowers grow here as well. In the summer we have an abundance of white daisies that grow all over, unless our menfolk mow them down. I frequently ask them to leave me just a patch of the flowers.
I have also been blessed by children who also love to pick flowers, wild flowers if we have them or the single rose or Camellia that is growing at the time.
I adore these simple gifts of love that they bring to me and their faces light up as they show me their offerings, or their 'come and see Mummy'
There are so many different varieties of these beautiful flowers that our God has provided for our enjoyment.
So today I would like you to enjoy the simple pleasure of WILD FLOWERS.
I am linking to Dayles Simple Pleasures for this post
Blessings to you and your homes,
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