Unconditional love!
What a concept. It is so huge and broad that the mind boggles but by the same token it is such a tiny thing to do.
Each and every day I have the example of Jesus Christ to look to for guidance and I am so thankful that as I try, and fail, that Jesus has unconditional love for me too.
One of the ways I am uplifted is to sing songs that inspire, whether to myself or through out the day with anyone who will join in.
This song The Servant King has been from the first time I heard it in Church one of my absolute favourites. It inspires and uplifts my soul to greater heights and EVERY time I sing it I get all teary, which for me is an indication of how deeply I am affected by a song or hymn.
The words themselves stand on their own so I haven't linked to a you tube or anything but it really is easy to find, if you desire.
I pray you enjoy it!
From heaven You came,
Helpless babe,
Entered our world,
Your glory veiled;
Not to be served
But to serve,
And give Your life
That we might live.
This is our God,
The Servant King,
He calls us now
To follow Him,
To bring our lives
As a daily offering
Of worship to
The Servant King.
There in the garden
Of tears,
My heavy load
He chose to bear;
His heart with sorrow
Was torn,
‘Yet not My will
But Yours,’ He said.
This is our God,
The Servant King,
He calls us now
To follow Him,
To bring our lives
As a daily offering
Of worship to
The Servant King.
Come see His hands
And His feet,
The scars that speak
Of sacrifice;
Hands that flung stars
Into space
To cruel nails
This is our God,
The Servant King,
He calls us now
To follow Him,
To bring our lives
As a daily offering
Of worship to
The Servant King.
So let us learn
How to serve,
And in our lives
Enthrone Him;
Each other’s needs
To prefer,
For it is Christ
We’re serving.
This is our God,
The Servant King,
He calls us now
To follow Him,
To bring our lives
As a daily offering
Of worship to
The Servant King.
Once again I am joining in with the lovely LACY Trish for this weeks posts
L...Lovely A...Admirable C...Cheerful E...Encouraging
~ LACE ~
So please join Trish in her lovely 'LACEwork' this week (click on the image below)
Blessings to you and your homes,
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