
Sunday, January 9, 2011

How to get Stickers Off Quick and Easily

Hey everyone!!  I hope that you all had a great weekend!  I did! :)  Today, I caught up on some real quality playtime with my kids.  Besides, putting our Christmas stuff away…no real work for me!  We played board games for a while and then we played puzzles for HOURS. Oh yes, HOURS!!!  My son LOVES them and we must of done over 50 puzzles.  My youngest son even mixed all the pieces together to make it more challenging for us, lol!  How nice of him, hehe! :)

Today, I want to share another Shaklee testimony (sorry if this is too much Shaklee but the testimonies are just flying in and I thought this might be fun to read about.) 

This one is from Stephanie who blogs at Little Country Home!


This is what she wrote…

Shaklee Goodness

I wrote a long time ago that I won some cleaning products from Bonnie over at House of Grace. Things have finally calmed down enough where I can do a before and after post about them.

So here we go.

My daughter absolutely LOVES stickers. Adores them. She lives and breathes stickers. And she also loves to put them She sticks them on the windows, the floors, her babies, herself, me, every where she can think of.

This is her sticker window. Thankfully, they're pretty much centrally located here. She doesn't put them on every window. I wouldn't mind so much, but she gets tired of them being on there, and will try to pull them off. Hence the princesses with their heads ripped off.

Here is a small section of the floor in front of the window. There's a lot more in the surrounding areas.

Basic H All Purpose to the rescue!

Look at that! It's clean as a whistle.

And the floor, too!

Here's another section of sticker-ed goodness in the threshold between the studio and the kitchen.

My beautiful assistant.

And the after.

How about that?

How long do you think it took to clean this mess? 20 minutes? 15? 10?

5! For all of those stickers. All of those stickers stuck everywhere. And that's with my daughter stealing my bottle half the time.

And not only did this get cleaned super quick, but it was a great learning activity as well. Audrey got to see a domestic example being set, and got to learn some other stuff as well. She noticed that the bottle top was purple, so she walked around saying "Purple soap, purple soap, Mommy's got purple soap." And then she would steal it and sing "purple soap, purple soap, Audrey's got purple soap."

She also noticed the H on the bottle, as well as the other letters, and pointed them out.

She had a lot of fun. We got a lot clean. It was a very productive morning. And we did this all while the plague has infected our house.

Thanks Stephanie for sharing that with us!!  I have also had to remove stickers and price stickers and Basic H works like a charm every time!!! ;)  Please stop by Stephanie's BLOG and let her know that she makes cleaning look like fun!

If you have a testimony that you would love to share, please let me know and I will feature you! :)

Also, if you bought Shaklee from me, I would LOVE for you to grab this button for your blog!!! Thanks xoxo


Also, I want to let you all know that I finally made a facebook page and would love for you to “like” me on it, if you want!!! 
Please, show me some love!!! :)

Second to last thing,  if you want to know more about Shaklee, the products, the company, the opportunity, etc, please check out my other Shaklee site.

Last thing, please remember to enter my CSN Stores giveaway!!!  Also don’t forget about my January Special and please email me for MY SPECIALS :)  Enjoy~

Ok, I am done!! 

Please have a great day today and thanks so much for reading my blog!  I don’t say that enough, but I really appreciate you all and all your beautiful comments!  You make my day! :)



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