Yesterday was a wonderful homemaking day for me. Although in fact after the basic chores were done, no deep cleaning here, I enjoyed a day filled with the making of a home. I fed my soul with prayer and Bible reading, I cross stitched and had meaningful time with my family. I created basic but nourishing meals for my family and was thankful throughout the day for many blessings.
There are days that seem to be more inspiring and gratifying for me and I am sure the elements of those days are the same. It would seem to me that when I achieve these days I am a happier person and respond to my family with more gentleness and care than normal.
For me the pattern of a Happy Homemaker Day seems to requite the following elements: First I start my day of with my quiet time. At the moment this consists of Daily Offering and other prayers that I have gathered over the years. Some of these I use over and over and at other times I add more relevant ones to my repertoire. I am often drawn to a book of prayers that is illustrated by Helen Allingham and use it often, of course the illustrations draw me in as they are of family life in rural England.
I then try to offer my day and all there is to the Lord and for special intentions of family friends.
I then read from my Bible. I have for many years had the habit of reading a chapter form the New Testament and the Old Testament as well as a psalm or proverb or both. This by no means I do this every day, although that is my goal, and I admit I go through better phases and not so good phases with this.
This really does set the tone for my day though and I know it will be a better day for me and for my family as I have started this way.
Apart from my other more 'mundane' activities of the constant round of living requirements that involve feeding and clothing and serving my family I really do find that to nourish me and keep me focused I HAVE to have some creative time.
This creative time is just as important to me as my other aspects of my life and I know that the longer I don't find some time for this I become a less 'gentle' person. Now, creativity will be different for different people with different skills and interests.
For me they cover three areas: doing some sort of craft of project that requires hand sewing or making. For me machine sewing of clothing and essentials is more a chore. Give me cross stitch, felting, creating small toys, even knitting and crocheting (I am a novice at both) and I am completely happy.
But believe it or not I still need to have time to read. I have been noticing lately though that my reading needs to feed me too. If I have too many light and fluffy books my focus moves form my vocation and does not nourish me at all. In this light too if I watch too many movies that while not being bad or evil do not encourage me in this either.
Lastly (of course apart from the interaction within my family with my husband and children) I do need to have some 'nourishing computer time.' This is for me in two versions too.
I have a need to record my thoughts and ideas and the beauty of a simple family life that we live. Surprisingly I never considered writing before I had this blog. It has been a great way for me to focus and to realise how much I believe in some things and that I would like to share and encourage others with my thoughts and ideas too.
I also am nourished by visiting other blogs where I feel encouraged and learn more about how to improve myself, my home life and my vocation. These days though I need to limit my commenting on these beautiful gifts though as I have found if I don't balance my reading and writing along with my other creative pursuits I am in a state of imbalance......and this leads to me not being the wife, mother and homemaker I want to be.
So while this is my own personal experience at the moment I am open to change but I know it has been very important to evaluate what it is that makes me say "I had a beautiful homemaking Day".
The reason I need to identify this is so I can replicate it again and again, not just for myself but so I can full fill my destiny. The one God has called me to do. A life of service to Him and my husband and children.
My vocation of being no one great, but a simple HAPPY HOMEMAKER!!
I pray that you also will reflect on what it is that God is calling you to in your vocation and that you too can have many such blessed days. Of course if you would like to share your own insights and ideas I would be honoured to hear them too.
Blessings to you and your homes,
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