
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How to Organize Your Mind

Welcome to Week 1 of our Organize your Life series!

I am really excited about this and based on your comments this is exactly what we all need!

Organize your LIFE

I am reading and using the book called Organize Now! by Jennifer Ford Berry to help me organize my life.

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There is still time to join and enter to win your own copy here.  You can also buy the book from the link below.

This week’s challenge is a really important one…Organizing your mind!

Often, when we think of organizing, we think of organizing paper, toys, clothes, etc. but before we can really organize our house or surroundings, we need to be mentally organized!

This weeks challenge maybe easy or difficult depending on each person.

This week, you need to work on de-cluttering your mind and start thinking positively!

Here are your goals for this week:

Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.-  I have to admit, this is a hard one for me because I really like staying up late and I am not really a fan of waking up too early!  I have decided to go to bed at 10:00pm and wake up early (around 5-6:00am) instead of staying up late.  Studies show that if you are asleep between 10PM – 2 AM, you get better quality sleep and I can sure use that to help my mind! :)

Keep a To-Do List- I found this on my Word program.  You can use this one or make/buy a different one.  Just make sure you write everything down.  This is great for your mind because you can stop trying to remember everything.  I liked this sheet because everything is all on one piece of paper….simple!

To Do List

 Start a Journal- I use my blog as a journal, does that count? lol!  I don’t have time for one now but for some of you, this might be exactly what you need. 

Limit TV- Too much TV is not healthy for you.  This will be easy for me because I rarely watch TV.  We don’t even have cable/dish….I know….we are the only ones without it but it saves us time and money.  Anyway, who needs TV when we have blogs, right?  lol!

Schedule Breaks (for yourself)- I give myself a short coffee break at lunchtime.  Usually when the kids are eating lunch.  I don’t actually have a break by myself, but I stop doing things.  At this time, I usually read to the kids while I drink my coffee.  I love reading to the kids midday because they need a break too and I read to them while they are finishing up lunch and they are still in their chairs/highchairs  (that way they are forced to listen to the book, lol…I am sneaky like that!)

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Pray/Meditate-  This can be hard to fit in if you are not used to doing.  I need to squeeze it in where we can.  We of course say Grace before we eat.  But I also pray out loud in the car on the way to school with the kids.  We also pray again at bedtime and my husband and I pray together before bed.  We also started reading a prayer/meditating book.  This is a great way to relax!

Exercise- This can REALLY help your mind…I am a Certified Personal Trainer and have seen this help people mentally so many times!!!  I love working out but even I was having a hard time fitting it into my schedule.  So I  joined a gym about 3 months ago because I needed to workout and I just wasn’t doing it at home.  I felt guilty about taking that time away from the kids.  I found a clean, local gym that the kids love so now I get to workout and the kids can run around and play in the childcare.  They have fun active things for the kids to do when I am exercising so this helps the kids stay active too.  Since working out regularly again, I have really noticed a huge improvement in how I feel.  I workout 3-6 times a week.  Besides feeling more tone, I love the little free time to myself and the mental clarity that  it gives me.  I feel like it makes me a better wife and mother.

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Schedule “me time”- I know that a lot of people, especially moms, put everyone else first and sometimes never get around to doing anything for themselves.  So if you are one of those women,  I am giving you permission to do something for yourself.  By doing this, you are really helping you and everyone else around you.  I know the better I feel, the better mom and wife I am! :)  Sometimes just painting my nails or taking a bath makes me feel refreshed and recharged.

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De-clutter- Try to de-clutter the things that are bothering you the most this week.  By doing this, you can really free up your mind.  I kept a bin in my kitchen all week and filled it up with things that I didn’t want/use anymore. I liked keeping the bin out because I really wanted to fill it up and sometimes I just need a place to put things I don’t want.  Then I brought it to my basement to get ready for my garage sale.

Start a schedule- This is next week’s challenge….organizing your schedule.  So start thinking about it and figuring what works best for you and your family.  You show me your schedule and I will show you mine…I love schedules so that should be a lot of fun!! :)

For more tips or organizing your mind, please read Organize Now!

So please try to organize your mind this week and tell us how you did that. 

How did you apply these goals to your life?

What do you do to help keep your mind sane and balanced?

We love reading about this so please share all!!!! 

Please grab a button if you are joining.

Organize your life

Link up your challenge below.

I can’t wait to see how you organize your mind! :)


Also don’t forget about my January Special and please contact me for my specials!!! :)


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