Now I know that not everyone wants to see birthday pictures of our little cherub but I have known for quite some time that I actually never posted a Birthday post for her last year, but simply a rundown of her birthday gifts we had made for her.
So as we had so eagerly wanted to share this special day with her now she is old enough to appreciate it I have a heap of photos of our little cherubs special day.
although I have made crowns for each birthday, the little ones don't tend to like wearing them for the birthday. However if it is dress ups they think they are cool.
Arwen was not sure about her birthday items and was slow to actually have a look.
Our princess's birthday table
The children were keen to have breakfast before we had the presents and I got a quick picture of her in her crown.
Arwen's painted saint is Elizabeth of Hungary
The breaky table as close as I could get it as the children had already started breaky!!
Finally she made her way to the birthday bag
but wasn't too sure about it. Braedon held her hand to reassure her.
She was happy then to look at the cards the children had made her.
Arwen's favourite present seemed to be the butterfly's that Myffwyn had caught for her. She absolutely loved these.
We had to untie the bag for her and then she started to get the idea of the presents inside
The sticky tape seemed a little hard for her to get off so Saxon was helping her too.
Crayons and a blank sketchbook were the other big hits as well.
What presents do you get for a girl who has lots of toys and clothes, mostly because she has had what all the others have and we try to buy toys that are lasting.
Well it may seem as if Arwen got a lot of things but most of it was from the cheap shop.
Arwen loves hand puppets so we got 4 @$3 each
Crayons and case for them as well as a sketch pad Total = $8
A lovely princess picture book $5
Tin Tea set $20
Bouncy Ball $20
Clear balls with sparkles etc 2@ $2
Beatrix Potter DVDs 3@ $15 each (these really are a bonus as we are gradually transferring form video to DVD and all our children have loved these)
The other gifts are form grandparents.
Playing with balloons is always a very big fun time in our home.
Arwen's birthday cake. I made this up as I went along. It is a three tier chocolate cake with chocolate cream and flowers and ribbon and Hunca Munca from Beatrix Potter on top (this is a music box from her birthday last year)
Waiting for her birthday dinner of Curried chicken and rice
The best part of the day is of course the cake.
Waiting for Daddy to come back inside we can keep licking the cake!!
Hooray.......Happy Birthday sweet little Arwen ♥
Blessings to you and your homes,
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