Now I know it has been all over FB but sometimes people miss out on information so I just wanted to let you know here as well. Also it ends at the end of January only a couple of days away so make sure you take advantage if you think it may be useful to your child's learning.
I have just finished down loading this programme worth $249 from for FREE!
Here is a quick rundown from the site:
The program consists of 220 daily lessons, so it takes kids farther than most beginning-reading programs-- from being non readers to reading on the third-grade level."
The free version of Funnix is electronic. You download the entire package of 220 lessons and other material onto your computer, and you have everything you need to teach the program. The steps of what you do and how you do it are spelled out in Teacher’s Guide, which you review before presenting the program. Workbook and textbook activities accompany the lessons. You print these.
When you teach Funnix, you and you child sit next to each other and watch the computer screen. A narrator presents a series fast-paced exercises in each 30-minute lesson. The narrator asks questions, and your child responds--out loud. Your job is to reinforce correct responses and correct any mistakes by following simple rules for "navigating" through the material.
I hope this was of interest to some of you!
Blessings to you and your homes,
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