
Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Great Race

We had a fabulous day. 
The 'Poketron' came second in it's heat. 
There were 3 in each heat. 
So grateful that we beat someone. 
It was good enough for the team and that's all that mattered!

There were two false starts. 
It was hard to hear the whistle over the loud speaker music. 

There was a big crowd.

Even the littlies were let out of kindy for the occasion. 
This spot saw all the action. There was a spectacular crash where the billycart flipped on it's head and the boy was trapped. I thought he'd broken his neck, as his head was the only exposed part of his body in the cart. It was very distressing... but he was carried out in one piece, in tears. 
Breathe out now.

They were inseparable.

Beautiful little boys... such good friends!

They still hug each other at the end of play dates... my eyes fill.

They're going to hang out these holidays and give the billycart another bash.

I'm posting tonight as I won't be around in the morning. I am heading out early to pick up a bloggy friend, as we are all converging on another creative bloggy friend's studio for tea, cake and chatter. Will tell you all about it.. their studio and their talent... and stuff.

Have a great night.... sweet dreams....

... and 'Happy Tomorrow'.



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