
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Being Still

Image Via Southern Grace And Sunshine 

"When you speed through your life, overlapping one thing with another, you lose sight of yourself.  You are alienated from reality.  You live in your head – in your thoughts and pictures of what things should be like."
 A Flourishing Life

This wonderful article, on 'Stillness', appeared in my inbox last night. It made me think and be still!

Gail, the author asked, "What if you were to stop? Stop thinking, stop doing, stop analysing, stop the endless loop of stories in your mind?" She asks, "what would you discover?" Would you get clarity on something that's been bothering you? Would you find that elusive creativity? Would you realise that you don't live 'in the moment' enough?!!

It really made me stop and think!

Is my running my 'still time'?.... as when I run, I'm not in my physical body, or in my head or my thoughts, I'm somewhere else.  I feel 'still' even though I am being physical. Gail suggests that you "let go of all the noticing, and just be still. Boundaries dissolve, and you are here - quiet, alive, and completely at peace. Notice that the quiet appears to expand everywhere". Yep, that's how I feel every morning. That's why I run. Maybe I should stop half way and sit on a park bench? I'm going to try it today.... just sit and be still... on a bench somewhere.

Gail is right. When you speed through every day, you do lose sight of everything. You need to get out of your head... away from your thoughts and the movie reel playing in your head and 'just be'.

I love these 'wake up' messages in my inbox. Isn't technology wonderful? It does enhance your life.

Do you take time out of your busy life to sit and be still? 

Head on over to 'A Flourishing Life' to read the full article HERE


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