I am finally making some progress on my granny squares for my crochet blanket but only after having learnt how to crochet while holding our precious Trahaearn in my arms. This has been a learning curve for me and I have crocheted about eight center pieces (hard to see in the photo- they are in the middle) as I find these the hardest to do and now will just work on theme one at a time.
I have yet to try knitting with the baby and so will try that soon.
The books, yes books as I tend to like to read more than one at a time I am reading are
You Are your Child's First Teacher
Simplicity Parenting and
Parenting with Grace
Frankly I think these are probably the best books on Parenting I have read in all our years and collections of parenting books. They cover such a wide variety of subjects but with a very gentle and loving approach that I admire.
I hope you are able to pop over to Ginny's blog Small Things and have a look at all the great books and projects happening.
Blessings to you and your homes,
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