
Monday, June 20, 2011

Shaklee Sports Nutrition

I am really excited to share some of my favorite products with you today.


I am a Certified Personal Trainer who has been using and recommending these products for almost 8 years and I have been wanting to share this info with you for a while but now that we have this awesome special going on,  this is a great time! Smile

I told you here that we use all of Shaklee’s product lines and love them all.

For 30 years our products have powered some of the most elite athletes in the world, including the Vancouver Games medal-winning U.S. Ski Team and U.S. Snowboarding. 

Did you know 7 of TIME-LIFE BOOKS' 25 Greatest Adventures of All Time have been powered by Shaklee products and 54 Olympic gold medals were won by Shaklee powered world-class athletes?

Shakee has 3 sports nutrition products, one for before, during and after workouts.

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Pure Energy Chews are what you take before you workout. They provide a clean burst of healthy energy to help you get that extra edge when you need it most. Each chew contains a scientific blend of caffeine from natural green tea extract, plus L-tyrosine, L-theanine, B vitamins and vitamin D. And there are no artificial flavors, sweeteners or added preservatives you'll find in other energy products. 

I take these before a workout and sometimes, I take these chews mid-afternoon for a natural pick-me-up or for a quick energy burst to clean, do laundry or run around the yard with my kiddos!  (I need a lot of energy to keep up with them, ha!!)  Plus, they taste like a starburst!

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Healthy Energy on Demand

Finally, a healthy alternative to high calorie, high volume energy drinks! Scientifically formulated Shaklee Energy contains the right ingredients to help energize your body and support alertness, focus, cognitive function, and mood.*

  • Energy-releasing B vitamins, immune-supporting vitamin C and bone-building vitamin D
  • Key amino acids L-tyrosine and L-theanine associated with mental alertness and focus*
  • Natural caffeine from green tea extract associated with energy and performance*
  • No artificial flavors, sweeteners, or added preservatives and it's gluten free

Healthy ingredients work fast to help:*

  • Sustain energy
  • Improve performance
  • Stay alert
  • Sharpen focus
  • Improve mood

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Shaklee Performance (during workout drink) is clinically proven to hydrate better than water. Plus, Performance has more electrolytes and provides more energy than the leading hydration drink. Our proprietary OPTI-LYTE electrolyte blend plus our unique mix of carbohydrates delivers instant and sustained energy and supports optimal hydration.

Clinically Proven

  • Minimizes fluid loss for enhanced hydration
  • Maintains blood-glucose levels to sustain intense energy output and to increase stamina
  • Increases endurance for better athletic performance

No artificial flavors, sweeteners or added preservatives.

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Clinically Proven

Shaklee Performance Sustains Energy!
More energy! More endurance! The longer and tougher your workout, the better Performance gets.

Yes, my husband and I take this when we workout but I also give this to my kids to stay hydrated.  I give it to them when we go on bike rides, go to gymnastics, hang out at the pool or just play outside in the heat.

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We love the orange flavored drink. 

It is easy to make too!  We just add the powder to a cup or water bottle filled with water.

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And stir it up!

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That’s it!

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Now we have our own hydrating drink that tastes great without an artificial ingredients or bad stuff in it.

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They love it!!!

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We also make our own popsicles with performance.  (Coming soon)




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 Shaklee Physique (after workout drink) is a pure, natural, high-octane fuel for rapid muscle recovery, endurance, and strength. The intelligent-release protein blend and unique protein-to-carb ratio:

  • Allow your body to absorb a full spectrum of amino acids over time
  • Help build firm, lean muscles
  • Help restore muscle energy
  • Support muscle repair

Physique contains the right amount of protein and carbohydrates to help you recover faster and optimize muscle rebuilding.

No artificial flavors, sweeteners or added preservatives.

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Clinically Proven
Physique with BIO-BUILD, a unique blend of protein and carbohydrate sources, has been clinically proven to naturally activate and enhance the body's recovery process after exercise.

Shaklee Physique Improves Recovery!
Recover faster! Recover more completely! Physique restores energy to your muscles when taken immediately after working out and again two hours later.

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We just mix our Physique powder with milk.  My husband is obsessed with this stuff!!!  He takes it after every workout and after every round of golf.  He  uses Physique for building his muscles and muscle recovery.  He was even able to gain 15 pounds of mass over the winter while taking this after his workouts and again right before bed.  He took extra to try to gain weight but you can take the regular amount if you are a training athlete, lifting weights or if you just had a busy day in the garden.

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I am also excited to let you all know about our current NEW MEMBER SPECIAL!

Right now,  if you join Shaklee as a Member with a $70 product order, you will receive ALL THREE OF THESE PRODUCTS FREE!!!!!

Please click here for more details.  You will also get addition specials when you join! Smile

If you are already a member and want to order these sports nutrition products, go here!

Have a great day!



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