
Monday, June 27, 2011

Oh Dear....

Katrina and Amie's House

... did you see the state of the houses the contestants moved into on 'The Block' last night!!!!!

I did not imagine they would be that bad. And they only have 8 weeks to renovate them.

Images Courtesy Katrina's lovely publicist (yes, she has a publicist!)

"If only you could smell these images" .....the title of the email in which I received these photos! 

Kudos to Katrina and Amie for removing those floor coverings without gloves. I would have had a Norsca towelette shoved up my nose and at least 4 pairs of gloves on. 

Katrina and Amie are so entertaining to watch and come out with some absolute 'pearlers':

"Smells nice. It's nice, it's unusual, it's different"
"Is that... like.... poo?
"It's freezing" 
"No, no, no"
"This is a thousand times worse than I ever imagined"
"I mean, there's no walls"
"Where's the... umm.... bathroom?" Ok, where am I going to brush my teeth?"
"There's a shower head?!"
"What about the toilet?!!!"
"Ohhhh, yippee, yi, yey"
"I'm back at a B and S"
"Are my earrings ok, should I change them or do they match?"
"This is a shithole"
"I kept thinking last night, how can I get out of this"
"You need your Mum to sign you a note to say you're sick"
"If I was doing this at home, I have a husband..... I'd say pick it up and he'd carry it"
"We're country chicks but not country hicks"
"'Treens' doesn't know how to cook, she doesn't even know what a sifter is"
"At the end of the day, we're just normal Australian chicks"
"Inconspicuous. It's a good word. You sound really smart when you say it" 

Makes for absolutely GREAT viewing. That's it... this family is now officially.... totally.... addicted.

See last nights episode HERE. 



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