Not the spiritual preparations that I need to sustain me each day but the outward side that is seen by anyone I come in contact with.
Now I know that we as christian women should not dwell too much on our outward appearance BUT I also believe we are ambassadors for Christ and that as such we should present our best physical appearance as well for most people will judge us on our appearance and we should give them some interest in seeing what it is about us that is worthy of note.
Now I also believe that as a home maker I spend most of my time in the home surrounded by those special persons God has placed in my life and as such I should present a worthwhile image to them as well.
For these are the most special people in my life and so I should dress and be well presented for THEM as much as I would for an guests or for going out into the world.
Most of the time I achieve this by wearing clothes that do not require me to get changed if I need to make a quick trip to town or if someone arrives unannounced on our doorstep. I wear shoes as well ( boots actually) because I feel incomplete with out my shoes on.
My wardrobe is by no means extensive or excessive: my standard of dress involves a skirt (usually quite long) a skivvy or long sleeved blouse in the winter or t-shirt/ shirt sleeve blouse in the summer.
I also wear a cardigan in the winter and have a lovely selection at the moment built up over some years.
I also have pull on jumpers (or sweaters for my American friends) that once again I have had for some years. When I am not breast feeding a baby I also wear dresses!
This for me is my 'uniform' so to speak. I add my apron when cooking and doing other jobs that require it and am quite content and even feel very homey and fulfilled in this 'uniform.'
I wear make up most days and am trying to get back into the habit of everyday. For many women this isn't a staple but for me it is one of those things where I feel more confidant and 'finished' with make up on too. I have had times when I let this slip and I know it when one of the younger children ask me if I am going out if they see me putting make up on.
When I have made all these physical transformations I feel ready to take on the day with all its challenges and all it's joys.
I am prepared for battle.
I feel that this is another area of LACE management for me because due to the imperfect person that I am I find that the qualities that Trish asks us to adhere to, those being .........
Philippians 4:8 Whatever is..Lovely. Admirable. Cheerful. Encouraging. ~ LACE
that I am more able to stay focused on these qualities and share the positive that results from this with the precious and very dear people in my life.
I would ask you if you would share how you manage your LACE to be all that God has called you to.
Joining in Trish this week....
Blessings to you and your homes,
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