This pile of fabric is sited by the big sewing machine in HH HQ and people are always surprised to find that I pretty much know what is lurking in there, what treasures are hiding away amongst all the untidiness...!
People who visit the haberdashery emporium that is Halfpenny Home probably do not realise is that I have as much (if not more!!!) of an addiction to fabrics than they do!

Vintage floral Sanderson fabrics are secreted around the place...it's not as if there's a shortage of fabrics anywhere in HH as anyone who has a penchant for our
cotton poplin prints will know!

As I child I was so obsessed with fabrics and making things that this was my favourite toy, it's lived quite happily under my bed until quite recently when I had to sneak a peek at my WIP still 'on the loom' whilst making the projects in
A Green Guide to Country Crafts!

It was my love of all things fabric-y that led me into my former career as a curtain-maker and I was 'paid' for work experience by one teacher with a metre of fabric exactly the same as this black oriental print - the original was lost many house moves ago but I found this kaftan in the dressing up box at the charity shop!

BUT, what could possibly cause me to get so excited when I'm surrounded by all this all day? I couldn't possibly need anymore fabrics...
*cue textile fireworks*Well, it's these old curtains that have made my heart take a leap and skip a beat! The thought of making them into a suit has given me sleepless nights.... Just as I fell in love with my fabulous trade bike at first sight so it was with these lovelies, sigh! Thank you to the sock monkey making HH regular who tipped me off about them, cheers Fella!

So there you go, confession over and if you drop into see us at Halfpenny HQ I will probably thrust them under your nose and make you fall in love with them too! Best to just agree with me, it will all be over so much more quickly if you do and then we can just sit down and have a cup of tea!
Nic x
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