Over the last week especially we have not been following to the full our Homeschooling plans we have made. We have had the children's grandparents visiting and dear Anna-Lisa too.
Some days we have achieved some lessons and others have had appointments and just doing whatever we could that day.
Today as I was outside playing basketball with the little ones and then looking at the activities they wanted to share with me I thought about the fact that while we were not 'officially' doing lesson work that the children had achieved some great things during the day, some of which I will list below:
Arwen learned to climb trees
Vellvin chopped a whole barrow load of wood for the first time and broke the axe handle, make two cakes and did do set lesson work as well as general home helping
Myffwyn started drawing in a sketch book, played shops which we all went to and played in the trailer with Rogan, Corbyn, Moran and Arwen having dressed up in character.
Corbyn was building behind the shed a major woodworking project and played the trailer game too.
Rogan climbed in a tree and built a desk and shelf then proceeded to continue to write the story he has been working on up in the tree.It is very high up and hard to see.
Autumn learnt about the 1920's era while doing some research for her 18th birthday theme party we are planning on. She was able to share this with us.
Autumn and Arwen also went on a nature walk and brought back 'leaf letters' (below) which have been written on (hard to photograph) for some of us.
Poor Saxon was sick in bed and so just slept and read when he was up to it.
Eden read some of the Redwall series books for the umpteenth time as well as some planned lesson work and general helping too
Anna-Lisa helped with jobs and spending time with the little ones did some of her own school work she brought with her. Anna-Lisa also was creative with the Menu Board - writing out tonight's menu.
Moran made the shop with Myffwyn and did some drawing and the trailer game too. She also cleaned up the shop game mess completely with out help and without being asked. Moran also worked on climbing trees, this is a big achievement for her as she is scared of heights.
Mummy: well I played basketball and soccer with little ones for a while, looked at all the children's games etc and spent most of the day settling Trahaearn which is why this is a shorter post. I am still trying to get him to sleep!
Kynan played on his I -phone, he is on holidays anyway, chopped wood and helped me as well as with the younger children.
Of course Braedon was a work today.
So although we did not achieve much in the way of set curricula I can see as I start to categorise ( this is not a complete list) that we live a lifestyle that gives all of the children opportunity to learn through out the day and I am thankful that we life a lifestyle that encourages the belief that.....
Blessings to you and your homes,
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